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围棋是一种战略竞争。Go is a strategic contest.

现在围棋在日本很流行。Weiqi is popular in Japn now.

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下围棋需要智慧。Playing go demands our wisdom.

就像中国的围棋一样。Just as the Chinese game of Go.

围棋是一种两人玩的中国游戏。Weiqi is a Chinese game for tow.

中国主办的世界围棋大赛?World go megagame that China holds?

那便是下围棋可“得天寿”的理论根据。That is the rationale of “longevity”.

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我爷爷喜欢下围棋。My grandfather likes to play checkers.

围棋在我国具有悠久的历史。I-go has a long history in our country.

纳什正在下围棋,围棋是源自亚洲的古老游戏。He was playing Go, an ancient Asian game.

一个简单的把对围棋并往往需要。A simple put-on of go and do is often required.

常昊是中国围棋的顶尖高手之一。Chang Hao is one of Chinese chess's apex masters.

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我很喜欢下围棋,也很喜欢下国际象棋。I enjoy the fun to play Go and like to play chess too.

围棋,对局时,执黑子的先走。Chess, game, the player using these pieces go first son.

最后,实现了概念网在计算机围棋引擎中的应用。Finally, we apply ConceptNet in our Computer Go engines.

另一方面,在围棋中,“气”更是其生存之本。On the other hand, Qi is the basics of existence in Weiqi.

最近我偶在学习下围棋.发现这是项很有意思的游戏.I`ve been learning to play Go recently. It`s an amazing game!

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有对围棋有兴趣的人想建立一个多语言的围棋维客吗?Anyone interested in Go wants to make a multi-lingual go wiki?

中日选手明天将进行一场围棋比赛。Chinese and Japanese players will have a match of go tomorrow.

今年的中日围棋擂台赛进行得如何?How is this year's Sino-Japan Chess Challenge Tournament going on?