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去年我们是冲锋在第一线!Last year, we were on the front lines!

陈锡文说,“官员们不能藏在警察身后或者把警察推到第一线。They cannot hide and push police to the front lines.

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这些鸟类处在最可能被严重影响的第一线。Those are on the front lines of being most heavily impacted.

应该是第一线的治疗。Immunotherapy "should be a first-line therapy, " Lockey says.

哈伍德伯爵是女性第一线的英国女王的表弟。The Earl of Harewood is a female-line first cousin of the Queen.

在树木的战役中赤杨战斗在第一线。In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line.

我很喜欢跟你的厂长和生产第一线的工人交谈。I enjoyed talking to your Site Manager, and to the shop-floor workers.

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只有第一线紧急救援团队可以待在两道围篱中间的空位。Only first-aid teams can be found in the space between the double fencing.

甚至领班或第一线的监督人员也有任用的责任。Even the foremen or first-level supervisors have a staffing responsibility.

我们奋战在第一线,通力合作为处在困苦中的孩子们营造安全网。We are on the front line, collaborating to provide a safety net for kids in distress.

你不能单独完成这件事,因此,我们要寻找伦敦特使,冲在服务第一线。We can't do this alone so we're looking for London Ambassadors to lead on the frontline.

在他们中,群众测谱学已经在整个药发现期间发展成一件第一线的工具。Among them, mass spectrometry has grown to be a front-line tool throughout drug discovery.

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所有农村工人都被分到企业的生产第一线。All the rural workers have been assigned to the forefront of production in their enterprises.

另一个中国人则怀念俄罗斯站在反美第一线的时光。Another Chinese regretted the times when Russia was on the frontlines of opposition to the US.

在我们战斗于第一线的军队中完全使用化石燃料是一件极其危险的事情。Getting fossil fuels to our troops on the front lines is one of the most dangerous things we do.

他长期战斗在新闻采访第一线,写出了许多脍炙人口的名篇佳作。He worked in the first-line of news gathering for a long time while wrote many well-known works.

曾毅教授一直战斗在艾滋病战斗的第一线。Professor Zeng Yi has remained consistently at the forefront of the battle against Aids in China.

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一些现在正处于选举运动第一线的人刚刚才获得自由。Some of those now at the forefront of election campaigns were only recently released from prison.

通过探测-交战功能,该系统为海军提供第一线的防御能力。The system provides the Navy with its first line of defense with its detect-to-engage capability.

毕竟,正是第一线的运营者在切切实实地向顾客销售并送货。After all, it is the operators in the field who actually sell to customers and deliver the goods.