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或将您使用他们自己的歪理邪说优势?Or will you use them to your own devious advantage?

你不要被这些歪理邪说蒙骗了。Don't let yourself be taken in by such absurd deception.

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邪说和谬见的崩溃造成了光明。The crumbling away of prejudices and errors causes light.

他被控告信奉邪说,后被宗教法庭逮捕。He was charged with heresy and arrested by the lnquisition.

邪说和谬见的崩溃造成了光明。我们这些人推翻了旧世界。We have caused the fall of the old world, and the old world.

意味着我们可以不受外来邪说的污染。It means we don’t get polluted with heretical ideas from outside.

X乱邦、赵资洋,其子女之行为生动地给他们的歪理邪说做了最好的注释。Their offspring have made the best footnotes to their wicked theories and policies.

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有那么多人想念他的歪理邪说,我确实很吃惊。I have been truly astonished at the number of people who believe his absurd deception.

新发现的真理的通常的命运都是以邪说开始,以迷信告终。A newly-found truth starts with heresy and ends with superstition. That is its destiny.

一些同志对歪理邪说和各种忌讳的迷信,大多源于某种宗教心理。Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.

因此,我的许多意见将是被视为高阶语言的邪说。As a result, many of my comments will seem heretical to the high-level language purists out there.

发起更有效和更广泛的教育项目或许有助于攻破这些邪说,但科利斯认为这些还不够。More effective and pervasive education programs may help dispel such myths, but Corless calls for more.

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这是一类的歪理邪说,其中,轻视上帝和他的恩典,使得所有的救赎,靠的就是人。This is one class of heresies which, slighting God and His grace, makes all salvation depend on man alone.

这样一个声明就是无聊的缩影和从佛教的观点来看这就是完全的邪说。Such a claim is the epitome of nonsense and the final heresy from the perspective of Tathagatagarbha Buddhism.

他曾经被人指控宣扬异教邪说,还曾经被指责为藐视英国最古老的传统观念。HE has been accused of promoting devil-worship and denounced for trivialising some of Britain's most ancient traditions.

对这种歪理邪说,我们宗教界要特别提高警惕,绝不能让它们兴妖作怪。He also said that the Chinese religious circle should be alert to false theories and evil sayings and never let it stir up trouble.

培植健康向上的科学文化,牢牢占领精神文明的阵地,抵制一切歪理邪说的侵蚀。Build up wholesome scientific culture, occupy firmly cultural and ideological position, and resist all influence of crooked heretical ideas.

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尤其令人不能容忍的是,李洪志反而诬蔑那些死亡于他的邪说的练习者是“魔在破坏大法”。What is most flagrant is that Li Hongzhi stigmatized those Falun Gong practitioners died from his fallacies to be "demons interference with Dafa".

李洪志打着佛法的幌子,盗用了一些宗教术语,对其进行歪曲,他的歪理邪说实际上是反宗教的。In the guise of "Law of Buddha", Li Hongzhi usurped some religious terms and distorted Buddhism. His heretical ideas are in essence anti-religious.

对这种歪理邪说,我们宗教界要特别提高警惕,绝不能让它们兴妖作怪。We the religious circle should be specifically vigilant to this kind of fallacies and absurdities, leaving it no opportunity to stirring up troubles.