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整个街区银装素裹,洁白无暇。The entire block is white, clean.

大家都说她像普绪客一样纯洁无暇。They say she is as pure as Psyche.

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浴缸、马桶、水槽洁白无暇。The tub, toilet and sink were spotless.

无暇的记忆将会放映再现。Which memory that errs not shall retrace.

这个纯真的男孩闯了进来,纯净无暇。This pure boy arrived fresh and unblemished.

洗我洁净,使我完全再无暇。All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.

“我和朋友们出去后根本无暇顾及这些,”她说,“太多事情了,我儿子毕业典礼,丈夫家庭重聚,去宾州瓦伦坡派克湖度假。”My son’s graduation. My husband’s family reunion.

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他自斟自饮,我们也无暇阻止他。He helped himself and we were too busy to stop him.

自始至终的超灵,纯洁无暇的灵魂。The Stainless One, Pure Spirit through and through.

我们纯洁无暇的思想向一切来到生活中的事物敞开。Pure and innocent and open to whatever comes our way.

戴恩——他是个完美无暇的教士——我做不到的他都能做到。Dane—he was the perfect priest—all that I couldn’t be.

日益加快,却让我们无暇去触碰,其实我们只是需要一个抒发感情的场所。All we need is a place to let out our feelings perhaps.

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农业生产占用大量时间,让人无暇他顾So agriculture pretty much overwhelmed everything else.

你责备你的丈夫因为你无暇顾及朋友?Do you blame your husband for your lack of close friends?

雪使得内华达州彼欧澈的一个水库的岸边洁白无暇。Snow whitens the banks of a reservoir near Pioche, Nevada.

我们已经被电影和电视培养成完美无暇的崇拜者。We’ve been trained by movies and TV to worship perfection.

在底妆完成之后使用,以营造透明的无暇肌肤。Apply after foundation and concealer for a flawless finish.

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你是一个整天忙着工作而无暇顾及生活的人吗?You are a busy all day work to care and life of the people?

只是你整天忙于出差,根本无暇听到他们的话而已。You're too busy traveling to hear that they're saying this.

无暇顾及他事,以致家中无食,身上无衣。And while so engaged his home lacked food, his body clothes.