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预产期不在接下来这两周内。The baby isn’t due for another two weeks.

其中一个婴儿的预产期为2009年12月,另一个呢?One baby's due date is in December 2009. The other?

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这个小家伙的出生日比预产期足足提前了一个多星期。The couple's third child was more than a week early.

她恰好在医生所说的预产期分娩了。She delivered exactly when the doctor predicted she would.

护士,我的妻子怎么样啊?今天是她的预产期。How is my wife, nurse?Today is her expected day of delivery.

我的预产期意味着,我将参加明年的整个预算工作。My due date meant I'd miss next year's entire budget season.

她诞生了个男孩,比预产期早了将近一个月。She gave birth to a boy almost one month before the due date.

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其中的七人都是最近才完成分娩或是临近预产期的孕妇。Seven of the eight had recently given birth or were expecting.

四胞胎是在母亲32岁生日当天出生的,比预产期提前了11周。The boys were born 11 weeks premature on their mother's 32nd birthday.

可是我还没有超过预产期,而且我觉得只有过期产儿才需要诱产。But I’m not overdue yet and I thought induction was only for overdue babies.

能准确在其预产期生产的女人只有很小一部分。Only a small percentage of women actually deliver exactly on their due dates.

27岁的费德勒没有透露孩子确切的预产期,只是说在今年夏天。Federer, 27, was cagey on exactly when the baby is due, saying only in the summer.

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尼娅芙因为突然早产,比预产期提前8周降生,体重只有1.68公斤。She was born weighing just 1.68kg after being delivered naturally at 8 weeks premature.

关于宝宝的性别及预产期,张弛拒绝透露也不愿多做评论。Zhang declined to reveal or comment on the gender of the baby and its expected date of birth.

苏·拉德福在今晨前去拿12周大宝宝的扫描结果,结果发现本来预产期为明年四月的孩子已经死了。Sue Radford went for her 12-week scan this morning only to find the child due in April had died.

她会做些检查和一些标准的血液检测,并且有希望计算出你的预产期。She’ll do an exam and some standard blood tests and hopefully be able to calculate your due date.

就在距离我的预产期只剩几周的时候,母亲陷入了深度昏迷状态。A few weeks before my due date, mother lapsed into a deep coma. Her doctors did not hold any hope.

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今年的5月20日是他们第一个孩子的预产期,但在当晚10点左右阿巴拉特才开始出现要生产的迹象。Their baby's due date was May 20 and Alballat started having contractions around 10 p.m. that night.

那么您的预产期是在2007年5月21日,您有早孕反应吗,如食欲不振?。Then your due date will be May 21st, 2007. Have you had any morning sickness, such as poor appetite?

有了公民出生权就可以,她们所要知道的是预产期,实际上这已经形成了一项产业。With birthright citizenship, all they have to know is their due date. It's actually become a business.