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和苔藓的曲径。And winding mossy ways.

我被奋力拉着穿过布满染缸的曲径。I was tugged back through the maze of vats.

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葱绿的幽暗,和苔藓的曲径。Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

这里河道斗折蛇行,彩石为底,幽峡曲径。Snake river fighting here folding, color stone for the end of Labyrinth Youtong Gap.

曲径一角--西雅图建筑师为上海开发商设计的一座别墅A rendering of Bending Paths, a villa designed by a Seattle architect for a Shanghai developer.

曲径汽封和活塞环提供了双密封系统,使油保持洁净并减少磨损。Labyrinth seal and piston ring provide a dual sealing system, keeping oil clean and reducing wear.

乔丹的计划还包括建造一批纵横交错的曲径小道,以便人们能利用它们到全市作短途旅行。Jordan's plans include a network of trails and paths for people to use for excursions all over the city.

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胡塞尔的思想可谓丰富驳杂、曲径深幽,并且就其发展历程而言更是变化繁复、主题林立。Husserl's thoughts are complex and complicated, and there are many themes in the course of development of his thoughts.

占地255亩的人民公园湖光山色,曲径回廊,歌榭舞厅,小桥流水,令游人流连忘返。Covers an area of 255 acres of People's Park Lake, winding paths and corridors, Cornwall Terrace Ballroom, bridges, so visitors away.

但是,要记住出入小花园的人们很有可能西装革履,所以您得在里面设好通幽曲径和易干的座椅。But remember, you will probably have people wearing suits and smart shoes using it, so you'll need paved areas and seating that dries easily.

从欧洲文艺复兴时代起,迷宫成为正规花园里的一个特色,是指由用高树篱隔开的复杂曲径组成的区域。From the European Renaissance on, labyrinths or mazes consisting of intricate paths separated by high hedges were a feature of formal gardens.

沿园中曲径漫行,体会出“山穷路尽疑断崖,临岸回折又一景”之情趣。Diffuse line along the garden paths, experience a "poor way to make the suspect mountain cliff, another King Pro shore back to the fold" of fun.

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你是从墨黑的河岸上,从远处愁楚的树林边,穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,磕磕绊绊来到我身边的吗,我的朋友?By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend?

是从墨黑的河岸上,是从远远的愁惨的树林边,是穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,你摸索著来到我这里吗,我的朋友?By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend?

我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,文学的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。I dream that one day, deep bridge, leveling mountains, Crossroads of smooth, winding paths into a thoroughfare, literary representation of Sinorama, people were called the whole world.

本文中“梦溪笔谈”是代表有意记忆的曲径分岔的游历体系、代表记忆片断的天井体系、代表居住功能的房间体系两两叠合的建构体系。In this paper"Dream Stream"means the path system symbolizing conscious memory, courtyard system symbolizing memory part and room system symbolizing living function penetrate each other.

作为第一道防线,加强型编码器采用了曲径密封,密封的螺旋槽为反向导程,防止液体和颗粒进入外壳。As their first line of defense, heavy-duty encoders incorporate labyrinth seals that have reverse-lead spiral grooves to prevent the ingress of liquids and particulates into the housing.

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乌龙峡谷的碧水、深潭、曲径、怪石,滴水壶景区的清泉、溶洞、峭崖、飞瀑,各具特色,摇曳多姿。The green water, deep pool, wandering path, grotesque rocks of Wulong Gorge and the clear spring, karst cave, steep cliff and flying waterfall of Dishuihu Scenic Spot are all unique and beautiful.