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嘿,李娜。是的,他们确实完全没有做植皮。Hi Liane, no, they did not use any skin grafting at all.

在止血完成后,最好将DNT从植皮部位移去。It is recommended to remove DNT from donor site after hemostasis achieved.

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袋内置入耳支架并固定、负压吸引、耳后全厚植皮修复。The back of the reconstructive ear was repaired with the full thickness graft.

这个小孩接受了植皮手术,以帮助受伤的手恢复功能。The boy received skin-grafting to help his scarred hands regain their function.

结论在扩张包膜上行中厚植皮安全、有效。Conclusion Split-thickness skin graft on expanded capsule is effective and safe.

术后2~3周对巨大皮肤缺损者施行植皮手术。Dermatoplasty was performed for large area skin defect in 2 to 3 weeks postoperatively.

带真皮下血管网皮肤游离移植是一种新的植皮术。Transplantation of skin with intact subdermal vascular plexus is a new type of skin graft.

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对于面部创伤感染创面的修复应首选厚中厚植皮术。The thick split-thickness skin graft is the first choice for repairing the facial granulation wound.

第一次植皮后的16个月内人造皮肤在每个病人身上都没有受到排斥。In the 16 months since the first graft, the ersatz skin has not been rejected by any of the patients.

爱华带着斌斌去看方琼,没想到斌斌被热水烫坏,需要植皮。With BinBin to see Fang Qiong love China, I didnt think BinBin by hot water very hot bad, needed skin grafts.

结论大块植皮及术后抗瘢痕治疗为防治面部瘢痕挛缩畸形的关键。Conclusion Great skin grafting was effective for promoting facial deep degree burn and reduce the facial scar.

提示不论伤口缝合及植皮手术时皮肤应变范围应在1.2内为宜。This suggests that when we sew up a wound or perform skin transplantation, the strain should be lower than 1, 2.

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本文报告一位43岁女性,因此疾病于五年内住院十一次并接受七次植皮手卫。A 43-year-old female with such disease was admitted 11 times and received skin graft 7 times during these 5 years.

目的观察手部深度烧伤采用超大面积中厚皮片植皮修复手部外形和功能的治疗效果。Objective To observe the effects of deep hand burns repaired early with grafting extraordinary large mid-thick skin.

由于植皮手术需要从她身上其它平滑的部位移植皮肤,美容过程就也意味着更多地疤痕了。Reconstructive work has meant even more scarring as smooth areas of her skin have been removed for grafting purposes.

为避免明显的植皮色素沉积,使用于足趾侧面应是一个较好的适应症。The inconspicuous recipient site at sides of the toe is a favorable indication in term of concealing hyperpigmentation.

花斑轻者可用遮盖霜来掩饰,严重者则须进行手术切除、游离植皮来补救。Piebald light were covered with cream can be used to cover serious cases, surgery must be carried out, free skin graft to remedy.

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因为植皮的关系,她全身需穿弹力衣,而且伤口让她的行动相当不便。Because of her skin grafts, she still needs to wear an elastic body suit, and her wounds have really inconvenienced her movements.

临床应用创面肉芽生成良好,为游离植皮提供了直接的条件。The granulation tissue formation is better in clinical application review and provides a direct condition for liber dermatoplasty.

单纯线条状的疤痕容易以乙字成形术松解,较严重的挛缩病例则在切除疤痕后需要大面积的植皮或皮瓣来覆盖。Most severe cases will require large-scale skin graft or flap, staged procedures, and long term cervical splinting for optimal result.