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我慕名而来,我一直支持你,你知道的…I've been here for you. I'm consistent and you know it.

这间餐厅大部分的新顾客都是慕名而来。Most of the restaurant's new customers come from word of mouth.

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表演太成功了,很多人都慕名而来观看。The performances were really a big hit and drew in large crowds.

肥猪厨神精通厨艺,在草地上举行烧烤大会,招待慕名而来的动物客人们。He invites all the animal guests to join the barbecue on the grass.

要命的是,游客们慕名而来,经常烧烤野炊。Moreover, tourists often come and have picnics here, because of its beauty.

他的戏剧作品相比,叶芝的诗歌吸引慕名而来的通知。Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats's poems attract much admiring notice.

百度是目前中国最年轻、最具世界影响力的公司,我完全是慕名而来。Baidu is China's youngest and most influential of the world, I was Muming come.

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我们有慕名而来的投资者,他们已经是这个产品的用户了。And we had investors who were coming to us who were already users of the product.

“食在高包子”旗舰店自开业以来,已经吸引了许许多多慕名而来的食客。"Eating in high bun" flagship store since opening, has attracted many admiring diners.

这桩“羊生狗”的奇事在陕西省传得街知巷闻,成千上万的好奇者慕名而来。The birth has prompted thousands to flock to his farm in Shaanxi Province to see for themselves.

纽约大都会博物馆是美国最著名的博物馆之一,暑假期间吸引大批慕名而来的学生和观光者。Innumerous students and tourists pour into the museums of New York for leisure as the summer vacation comes.

所飒是慕名而来,他一心想娶美洛为妻,而美洛在第一眼见到所飒时也深深的爱上了他。He admired Meriot’s beauty and wanted to marry her. And when Meriot saw Sa, she fell into love at first sight.

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为了保障慕名而来的亲吻者的安全,布拉尼城堡还配备工人专门协助亲吻过程的进行。In an effort to ensure the safety of visiting kisses, Blarney Castle provides a worker to assist in the process.

来自全国各地的脑胶质瘤患者和其他肿瘤患者慕名而来。Because of good reputation, many domestic patients of brain glioma and other tumors come to Fuda Cancer Hospital.

死海丰富矿物质的海水和提炼出来的黑泥,据说对皮肤病具有神奇疗效,所以有很多游客是慕名而来。And tourists flock here just to float and bathe in its rich mineral mud, which is said to have healing properties.

自2009年夏天以来,柏林的奥托·博克医疗保健展览中心接待了成千上万名慕名而来的游客。Since the summer 2009 thousands of visitors are attracted to the OTTO BOCK health care exhibition center in Berlin.

曾有美国、日本、意大利、法国等多个国家友人慕名而来观看演出。People from different countries, the U. S. , Japan, Italy, and France, etc. have been to the theatre to enjoy the show.

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竹取公主冰清玉洁,唇红齿白,貌美如花,很快就在当地传开,许多王卿贵族都慕名而来。Bamboo take princess pure beautiful flower, labial red tine is white, and soon in the locality, many WangQing noble of customers.

天一阁名声极大,阁却极小,慕名而来的人多少会有些失望。Tianyi Pavilion enjoys a great fame but is fairly small in size, which, to some extent, disappoints the admirers coming from afar.

这里的宗教仪式、这些仪式营造的希望以及许多慕名而来的生意人勾起了我的兴趣。I must say I am intrigued by the rituals and the hopes that these rituals create and the many people that are drawn to this monastery.