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醉海蟹钳子。Drunk the sea crab pincers.

我喜欢这只石蟹,况且,它比海蟹、河蟹小得多,所以我愿意称它小蟹。P. S. As I know, deep fry the crabs and then cook with beer and other spices.

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不吃海鲜,特别是不吃海蟹,等于白来北海道。Do not eat seafood, especially do not eat crab, is equal to white to Hokkaido.

海蟹一上桌,那家伙的个儿大得像小脸盆,真是令人跃跃欲试,兴奋不已。Crab a serve, that guy's stature as big as a small basin, I am really eager, excited.

不知道是未到季节的缘故,没尝到海蟹的蟹黄蟹膏。I do not know the reason until they season, did not taste the crab-rich roe crab paste.

因为是海蟹,即便清蒸,肉还是咸咸的,不似大闸蟹肉质细腻滑润有点甜。As is the crab, even steamed, meat or salty, not like a little sweet crab meat fine and smooth.

我喜欢这只石蟹,况且,它比海蟹、河蟹小得多,所以我愿意称它小蟹。I liked the stone crab and named it Little Crabby, for it was much smaller than a sea crab or a river crab.

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捕到的还有两篓子的比目鱼、对虾、海蟹和常见的沙丁鱼等。There were other catches, too, perhaps two baskets of flat fish, prawns, sea crabs, and the common sardine variety.

海边散落着一些简朴的餐馆,出售鲜美的辣味海蟹,海蟹是凯普的另一种著名特产。Simple restaurants dot the waterfront, selling tasty, pepper-infused spins on fresh crab, Kep’s other famous export.

本文简要介绍了海蟹号海底六足步行机器人的主要技术指标及其系统的设计。This paper presents the main target and designs of the system of the Seacrab—a six-legged undersea locomotive robot.