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杜布森还拥有无可比拟的权力基础。Mr Dobson also has an unmatched power-base.

圆明园的壮丽是其他园林无可比拟的。The grandeur of the Old Summer Palace is second to none.

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对于天体生物学家来说,火星有着其它地方无可比拟的地位。There's no place like Mars-for the astrobiologist, that is.

尤以佛教更为卓越、深刻,是其他宗教无可比拟的。Compared with Christianity, Buddhism isu- nique in this case.

而路易十三所代表的,正是那无可比拟的奢华。Represented by the Louis XIII, it is that incomparable luxury.

她的美无可比拟,就好像那水手爱着的美人鱼一样。Her beauty is without equal, like the mermaids sailors love to praise.

在他的早期儿童英勇的无可比拟的孩子,被称为盲骚动。In his early childhood for unexampled valor kid was nicknamed Blind Fury.

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创始人把公司做成功的信念是无可比拟的。The commitment of the founder to success of their business is unparalleled.

我们的打法十分正确,对于整个达拉斯市来说,这是一个无可比拟的伟大成就!We played the right way. This is a phenomenal thing for the city of Dallas.

恰是与政府的联姻要患上IBM获患上无可比拟的真格的力量。It is with the government's marriage makes IBM obtain incomparable strength.

毛利家拥有漫长的航海史,而且是无可比拟的海上霸主。The Mori have a long history of seafaring and are sea masters without equal.

在挖掘网络世界一流的可视化数据方面,丘有着无可比拟的敏锐力。Yau has an unerring ability to unearth the best data visualisations on the web.

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我的魔像轻便而有效,而且它有着无可比拟的一堆特性。My golem was compact and efficient, and it had an unparalleled package of features.

赣江滩涂,自然环境无可比拟,用水、用电便利。There is beautiful scenery and environment and rich water and electricity resource.

哈勃太空望远镜提供了无可比拟的快照NGC1672星系附近的棒旋星系。Hubble has delivered an unrivalled snapshot of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672.

朱迪?加兰的嗓音在她那个年代,甚至如今,都是无可比拟的。Judy Garland has a voice that was unmatchable in her time and still is unmatchable today.

当这个神奇的过程就发生在眼前,你会感到一种无可比拟的快乐。When you see the process happening before your very eyes, you feel a happiness like no other.

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从山洞和悬崖顶端,你可以一览无可比拟的美丽日落。From the cave and the cliff tops you have an unparalleled view of beautiful southwest sunsets.

在数据与规则的变更上,四层结构有无可比拟的优势。In the alteration on database and rule, four-layer has some advantages that can't be replaced.

盘式刹车有诸多优点是带刹车无可比拟的,因此深受现场使用者的青睐。With more advantages compared with the brand brake, the disc brake is welcomed by the operator.