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仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。The servant blacked his boots.

仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。Thee servant blacked his boots.

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他昨天买一听褐色鞋油。He bought a tin of brown polish.

用棕色的鞋油擦这双鞋。Use brown polish on these shoes.

他们做的黑色鞋油,我相信。They're done with blacking, I believe.

我是用的缝纫机油,别用鞋油就行。^_^。I use sartorius oil. Don't use shoeshine.

他有一个粘贴标签的黑色鞋油工作。He had a job of pasting labels of blacking.

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贾许把鞋油上得像军队里一样——跟镜子一样闪闪发亮。Josh polished his shoes army style--shiny as a mirror.

颜色相近的鞋油也可以起到同样的作用。Similar color shoe polish can also play the same role.

颜色相近的鞋油也可以起到同样的作用。The shoeshine of color close also can have similar action.

去除油漆、油脂、沥青、油垢、鞋油、适用于各种类型地毯。Use on any oily soil, including tar, motor oil, grease and.

她抓着她的丈夫,战斗的黑色鞋油出来的感觉。She clung to her husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out.

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我买这双鞋时,要求售货员额外赠送鞋油。When I bought the shoes I asked the salesman to throw in some shoe polish.

同样是不正确的黑色鞋油在温水泳池出来的受害者。The same is not true for victims blacking out in warm-water swimming pools.

万圣节服装一般是自家缝制的,原材料常常是麻袋,旧衣服,烟煤灰和鞋油。Costumes were typically homemade often from sacks old clothes soot and shoe polish.

真正挣钱的是推销它们的专利鞋油等产品。What earn money truly is the product such as the patent shoeshine that promotes them.

采购产品鞋油,捺印配偶,湿手巾,动物手巾,陶瓷的热水器手巾。Shoe Polisher, Stamp Mate, Wet Towel, Animal Towel, Emf Tester, Ceramic Heater Towels.

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要去参加一次工作面试,鞋油用光了,不用担心。You just ran out of shoe shine just when you need it for a job interview. Not to worry.

突然之间,他的皮鞋总像是刚上过鞋油一样锃亮,他也不再咬手指甲了。Suddenly his shoes may seem to take on a polish, and he will stop biting his fingernails.

至于化妆品,女人们用的擦脸粉就像农药,而眼影更像黑鞋油。As for cosmetics, they used powder resembling crop dust and eye shadow looking more like blacking.