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爬山虎巴在墙上。The ivy clings to the wall.

爬山虎在墙上蔓延。Boston ivies crawl along the wall.

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我仔细一看,发现爬山虎是有“脚”的。I look closely and saw the ivy has the "foot".

同学们,你们听说过壁虎和爬山虎比赛的故事吗?Students, you have heard of gecko and Parthenocissus game story?

我仔细一看,发现爬山虎是有“脚”的。I looked carefully and found that there is Parthenocissus "feet" of.

走进校园,一墙茂盛的爬山虎扑入眼帘。When you come to my school, you will firstly see a wall covered with green ivy.

视线穿过五叶爬山虎“地毯”看向秋日的住宅。View back to the house across a carpet of Parthenocissus quinquefolia in autumn.

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我轻轻地用手一拉爬山虎的茎,居然还拉不下来呢!I gently pulled his hand a creeper of the stem, actually still could not pull it off!

心里浓重的哀伤像爬山虎一样,迅速蔓延、疯长,不可抑制,终于茂密一片。My sorrow is like a kind of creeper, spreading and growing frenziedly, finally becoming dense.

学校东边去往教工宿舍的路上被围墙围住,严严实实地盖上了爬山虎。To the east of the school to the faculty dormitory road fence surrounded, tightly covered with ivy field.

长廊上的迎春花,操场边的太阳花,就连排练厅的墙上,也长满绿色的爬山虎。Jasmine on corridor, the playground of sunflower, even on the wall of a studio, also covered with green ivy.

有兴趣的话,你也可以种种爬山虎,观察一下它,你肯定会发现许多有趣的东西。Are interested, you can also all kinds of creeper , look at it, you surely will find many interesting things.

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以引进爬山虎种子无菌苗为试验材料,对爬山虎组织培养中褐化现象进行了研究。In this paper, the browning and antibrowning in the tissue culture of Parthenocissus tricuspidata was studied.

又一次俞先生指出我把爬山虎写成荆棘的错误,但又要我多写几篇给他看。Once Mr. Yu Guanying pointed out my mistake of taking Boston ivy for bramble and yet he asked me to write more.

年迈的爬山虎藤萝,混杂地纠缠在一起,争先恐后地攀沿着。Old of climb a mountain tiger rattan Luo, congestion entwine together, fight to be the first ground to climb along.

爬山虎植物护坡是江河堤防护坡技术的突破和创新。The slope protection of plant ivy is the breaking and creation in the technique of slope protection for river dyke.

冬天,万物都在经受严寒的考验,一场大雪后,墙面一片雪白,爬山虎的藤把墙面装点成白色的曲线图。Winter, all things being cold test, a heavy snow, metope snow-white, after the metope of ivy vine into white curve.

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种爬山虎的人,只要把爬山虎的“脚”放在石缝或裂缝中,再浇些水,就大功告成了。Kinds of creeper people, as long as the ivy's "feet" on the crevice, or cracks, and then poured some water, I was done.

几年后,他们会惊奇地发现,爬山虎生长得很旺盛,可见爬山虎的生命力是多么的顽强。A few years later, they will be surprised to find that a very strong growth of ivy, ivy can be seen just how tenacious vitality.

细碎的叮咛,再也熟悉不过的声音,在从空旷的围墙到爬山虎荫满中庭的变化里,日复一日。That, no more finely familiar voice in the walls of the open, from the shadow of the atrium with ivy changes, day after day after day.