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第十一条,取缔不劳而获的收入。The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

只有无知是可以不劳而获的。Nothing to be got without pains but ignorance.

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不劳而获,努力工作是通往成功之路。No pains no gains, hard work a path to success.

最严重的罪行是接受一个不劳而获的罪行。The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt.

不要总觉得这是不劳而获、毫不费力的,或者纯粹的狗屎运。Don't act like this was unearned, effortless, or pure dumb luck.

我之所以认为这个也是不劳而获,因为我觉得我表哥没什么理由选择雇佣我。I put this on my list because my cousin had no reason to hire me.

我们的征途中从来没有不劳而获或小富即安。Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less.

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这种“不劳而获”、“一夜致富”效应极大地冲击着人们的价值观念。Being wealthy without any effect impacts on people's view of value.

别这么孩子气,如果你认为你能够不劳而获。Don't be so childish if you think you can get something for nothing.

继续用信心工作不劳而获的苦楚是赎回的。Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

你认为抄袭者不劳而获的行为可恨吗?Do you think a copycat is hateful to make achievements out of nothing?

目前这种不劳而获的制度应当立即废止。The present system of reaping without sowing should cease immediately.

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同时,没有不劳而获的巨大幸福。Meanwhile, no amount of happiness can be achieved without hard- working.

有了辛勤的劳动,我们才会有成果,不劳而获的事情是不存在的。With the hard work, we will have results. Unearned thing is non-existent.

我不知道为什么有人会觉得对的成功或成名,是不劳而获。I don't see how anyone can feel right about success or fame that is unearned.

没有成功是一蹴可及的,没有事情是可以不劳而获的。We can not succeed with only one step, or gain what we want with effort unmade.

你总是想不劳而获。你应该改变一下,自己出去挣钱。You're always expecting something for nothing. Go out and earn it for a change.

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生命是唯一不断奋斗的过程,么有人没出国疑问不劳而获。Life is a continuous process of fighting and one cannot achieve success lacking effort.

不劳而获的细菌通过破坏致病菌之间的合作可以帮助宿主。Freeloading microbes could help their hosts by undermining cooperation between pathogens.

刘表示她最喜欢的英语格言是“没有人能不劳而获。”Liu said one of her favorite English mottos is "No one can achieve anything without effort".