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冬闲,人们喜欢“猫冬”,意思是,像猫一样固守在家里不动。Winter fallow, it is like "Winter-cat", meaning Like a cat with Fixed stuck at home.

冬闲的日子,太阳暖暖地照着,古老的淮北乡村开始唱起大戏。During winter leisure, in warm sunshine, there will be drama shows in Huaibei rural areas.

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黑麦草的碳蓄积量显著高于紫云英和油菜,各覆盖作物处理碳蓄积量均显著高于冬闲田。Carbon fixation in every cover crop treatment is higher than that of winter fallow cropland.

大力开发长江流域冬闲田土,扩大油菜种植面积。Developing the idle land in winter in Yangtze River basin for expanding the acreage of rape.

土壤微生物活度在水稻生长过程呈增加的趋势,前茬冬季覆盖作物区明显高于冬闲田。The former-stubble crop treatments were higher amount of microbe than winter fallow stubble during early rice growth.

第五部分针对冬闲现象,从人文关怀的角度提出了几点思考,建议主要从转变东北农民生活方式出发,确保东北农民冬闲生活质量的提高。The fifth part aims at the analysis of the ex- text, putting forward the considers concerning the spare time of the winter culture.

利用南方冬闲田种植糯小麦,可望减少冬季抛荒耕地并增加农民收入。It is expected that waxy wheat will make a contribution to reduce the idle cultivated land in winter season and increase the farmer's income.

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应用灰色关联度分析法对14个云南省北亚热带冬闲田引种的优良牧草进行了分析与综合评价。Relation grade analysis of grey theory was used to analyze and evaluate 14 introduced forage of the winter-free farmland of the north of Yunnan subtropics.

本文针对棉花冬闲田,对青刈黑麦在不同生育阶段的产草量、营养成分含量、刈割时间及刈割次数进行研究。The hay production and nutrition of rye in different development stage, and the effect of harvest times and date on the hay yield and quality had been studied.

为了探索冬种马铃薯栽培技术措施,利用冬闲田进行了不同种植方式栽培马铃薯的试验。In order to explore the technical measures to winter potato planting, an experiment on different planting ways of winter potato in fallow paddy field is conducted.

可利用冬闲田进一步扩大马铃薯种植面积,与三大粮食作物相比,其单产还有较大的增加潜力。Compared with the three major grain crops, potato planting area can be further increased by using the winter fallow fields and its yield can be further increased as well.

结果表明,在云南省北亚热带地区冬闲田引种优良牧草试验中综合性状表现最好的牧草是兰天堂多花黑麦草、海湾多花黑麦草和盛世紫花苜蓿。In this introducing and planting experiment Blue Heaven, Gulf and Millennium bad the best complex characteristics followed by Tetragold, Eureka, Abundant, Hunter River, and Sitel.