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免费样品。Free samples.

这和样品相符。It comes up to sample.

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我真想取些样品。I need to take some samples.

分析试剂空白溶液和所有样品。Analyze the LRB and all samples.

请提供样品的详单。Please provide the bill of sample.

这些是参展用的样品。These are samples for a tradeshow.

请给我望一上这些样品。Please have a look at those samples.

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按此地址函索即免费寄奉样品。What I need is nothing but a sample.

你想看一下布料的样品吗?Would you like to see some swatches?

我已收到贵公司寄过来的样品。I received well goods that you sends.

待测样品位于这层板的顶部。The sample sits on top of this layer.

我能否带走这件样品?Would you mind if I toke this sample?

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附信附上一套样品。A set of samples is enclosed herewith.

请催促他们把样品发过来。Please hasten them to send the sample.

样品都放在陈列柜里面。The samples are in the display window.

我们要看过样品才会下订单。B- We'll order after we see the sample.

在此非常冒昧地建议您参观我们的样品展览室。May I suggest a visit to our showrooms?

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进行样品检测和空白试验时,需使用同一个单元。Use the same cell for sample and blank.

样品可以通过泵给一个压力进样或自动进样。Samples can be pumped or free aspirated.

能给我看一下你们的口红样品吗?Can you give me your sample of lipsticks?