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任我行得到江山没有?As we get there?

江山如此多娇。The land is so rich in beauty.

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毕竟,第一印象定江山。After all, the first impression it.

江山易改,本性难移。Change of habit cannot alter Nature.

黄鹤断矶头,故人今在否?旧江山浑是新愁。The old land is drowned in sorrow new.

这正是江山易改,本性难移。Change of scene is not change of nature.

仅50分钟就可以从江山墅到成都。Only 50 minutes from the villa to chengdu.

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江山易改,本性难移,三千年的文化没法一夜之间改变。You just cant change 3000 years of culture.

今天坐江山的是全国的人民大众。Today it is the people who rule the country.

这就是我们俗话说的“江山易改本性难移”。This is what we say" leopard change his spots".

我不这样认为,有道是江山易改,本性难移啊。I don't think so. Can the leopard change its spots?

豺狼换张皮,本性却难移。江山易改,本性难移。The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition.

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“江山代有才人出”。"Each generation produces its own outstanding talents".

血染江山的画,怎敌你眉间一点朱砂。Bloody Jiangshan picture, how enemy you brow a little cinnabar.

我们可以自得地“指点江山,激扬文字”。We can proudly" Jiangshan guidance, stimulate raise character".

谁又能指点江山,从容不迫?Who can show the country, take it leisurely and unoppressively?

而国内品牌日益雄起,搏得大半个江山。But domestic brand day by day male, wrestles the most landscape.

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它们放在那都寓意着长寿和江山永固的意思。They were placed there to expect everlasting rule and longevity.

当这个市场达到顶端的时候,DVD播放器出现,江山再改。When that market peaked, the DVD player started it all over again.

爱德华王子你知道吧?就是那个要美人不要江山的男人。Prince Edward you know it » To that beauty is not territory of the men.