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我不晓得。I dunno.

只是要让你晓得。Just S0 you know.

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不晓得我撞了哪门子邪。I don't know what hit me.

你知不晓得有啥近路?Do you know any shortcuts?

你晓得好的眼镜商吗?Do you know a good optician ?

“我不晓得到底他干下了什么事情?”尼克说。"I wonder what he did?" Nick said.

你的肩膀上有一块泥巴,晓得吧?The mud on your shoulder, you know.

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你晓得瑞典的生齿有几多吗?Do you know the population of Sweden?

大家都晓得我是直男。啥???Everyone thinks I'm straight. WHAT???

我晓得。我已经冷暖自知。I know. I've already got the picture.

哦,我也不晓得是怎么知道的。Oh, uh, I don't know how I know that.

蚂蚁喜欢吃晓得昆虫和肉类。Ants like eating small insects and meat.

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我不晓得。可能我以前没在听。I dunno. Maybe I wasnt listening before.

要居心往爱你的街坊,不外不要让她的老私晓得。Love the neighbor. But don't get caught.

就像谁人沃尔玛的梦那样,我就晓得。As with the Wal-Mart dream, I know better.

您晓得,参议员,是曼克斯议会。You know, councillor, the Manx parliament.

我一点也不晓得要怎么修。I don't have the vaguest idea how to fix it.

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我可以晓得你对于哪个产品感兴致吗?。May I know what items you are intersted in ?

不,这不行。你是晓得我们俩合不来的。No, that's out. You know we don't get along.

明晓得是谎言,森动的心还是开端动摇了。Figure is lies, sen heart or beginning waver.