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“享受盯梢追捕的乐趣”,他临别致辞。“Enjoy the stalking, ” was his farewell remark.

克罗克在他的致辞说明中,更是增添了这份疑虑。Crocker, in his opening statement, added to the gloom.

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在“中国新年食品文化节”开幕式的致辞Remarks at the Chinese New Year Food &Culture Festival

范太在致辞时鼓励年青人参与运动。Mrs. Fan encouraged teenagers to participate in sports.

感谢杜比先生热情洋溢的致辞。Thank you Mr. Dolby for giving us such an ardent speech.

——在第十届中国西部国际博览会暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致辞At the Second Western China International Cooperation Forum

首先,有请教育局副局长汤正洪先生致辞。Firstly, let's invite Mr. Tang Zhenghong to have an address.

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我校高三年级周梦蝶同学作为本次大会的主席致辞。Zhou Mengdie from Senior 3, held the conference as the chair.

马逢国先生在开幕礼上致辞。Mr. MA delivering the opening remarks for the Opening Ceremony.

她向她非常珍惜的美德致辞。She addresses all of those virtues that she cherishes so highly.

2010年5月2日,第四届中外大学校长论坛在南京开幕,中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东出席开幕式并致辞,以下为讲话全文Speech on the Fourth Chinese-Foreign University Presidents Forum

国务委员唐家璇出席会议并致辞。State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan attended and addressed the seminar.

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市长王鸿举在招待会上发表了热情洋溢的致辞。Mayor Wang Hongju delivered impassioned address on the reception.

这周,我要向共和党议会致辞,希望发起由两党领导阶层参与的月份会议。This week, I'll be addressing a meeting of the House Republicans.

致辞之后进行了简短而热烈的剪彩仪式。The short yet heartily ribbon- cutting ceremony came after the speech.

在蒙特利尔白求恩生平事迹展开幕式上的致辞At the Inauguration of "The Adventures of the Unpredictable Dr. Bethune"

而致辞声和觥筹交错的祝酒声也变小了,成了嘟囔和叮当作响之声。The speeches and the clash of toasts dwindled to murmuring and tinkling.

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副市长陈颖出席启动仪式并致辞。Deputy mayor Chen Ying attends the ceremony that start and make a speech.

接下来,会议开始了,珠海教育局副局长首先致辞。Then, a official from the Zhuhai Bureau of Education made a speech first.

维吉尼亚州州长代表景明先生致辞祝贺。Speech by Mr. Mike Jing, Virginia State Governor's Advisor on Asian Affair.