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卡利克斯塔站在门廊上目送阿尔西骑马离去。Calixta, on the gallery, watched Alcée ride away.

一个人等天黑、目送破天而来的日落,紧抱着醉生梦死的枕头。A dark, see broken the sky sunset, hold befuddling pillow.

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在悲喜交加的气氛中,他们目送E。A feeling of sadness and joy filled the air, as they watched E.

露希鹄立在站台上,目送着儿子登上列车。Standing on the platform Lucy looked after her son getting into the train.

小青一直目送他出去,她很不舍啊,毕竟他是她的丈夫啊!Green has been watched him out, she is not ah, after all he is her husband!

船长目送着他们走下船舱,两人的身影一消失,船长的大鼻子又抬了起来。As they disappeared down the companion the captain raised his big nose again.

它目送对手苹果公司远去,看着它沦落为一个精品电脑制造商。It had seen off Apple, relegating its rival to the role of a boutique computer maker.

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目送我的朋友消失在夜色中后,我站在原地盯着那空荡荡的小径。After my friend had disappeared in the darkness, I stood and stared at the empty alley.

我目送老师,直到她那美丽的背影消失在夜色中。I gaze after teacher, vanishes until she that beautiful back in the dim light of night.

大街上的卡巴拉人,一动不动地用恐惧而空洞的眼神目送他们离开。Karbarrans in the street, frozen with dread and hollow-eyed with fear, watched them go.

露茜和苏珊蹲在灌木丛中目送着他,以下就是她们看到的情景。And Lucy and Susan, crouching in the bushes, looked after him, and this is what they saw.

早秋的晨风,就这么目送着扬起了飞尘的汽车远去。Early autumn of the morning breeze, we watched the unfurling of the fly ash so the car away.

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我们又开始了自己的‘目送’,并且把这份目送中的情感深入骨髓。We have also started their own 'watched' and the emotional depth in the bone marrow watched.

莫老师目送何岸飞奔而去,哭笑不得觉得何岸是一个很有趣的人。On the way to mo teacher watched He An, in distress situation feel He An is a very interesting man.

而最终当他目送列车驶出视线,转过身时,他眼里也噙满了泪。There certainly were tears in his when, at length, having watched the train out of sight, he turned round.

大家都伸长了脖子,看着那白衬衫前襟上闪闪发亮的宝石,目送着马车离去。There was a general craning of necks as the jewel in the white shirt front sparkled and the cab moved off.

当时琼斯离球门有30码,而费迪南德则目送传中飞过自己的脑袋。For the equaliser Jones was stranded 30 yards from goal while Ferdinand watched the cross sail over his head.

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小嘉在报纸中得知道行死讯后感到震惊不已,便偷偷地在葬礼出现,目送道行最后一程。Small jia in the newspaper was shocked when he heard at death, then secretly in the funeral, watched at last.

乌鸦谢过青蛙飞走了,青蛙目送著乌鸦离去,这时它才发现头顶上一望无际的辽阔天空。Thanked crow flew away frog, frog watched the crows away, when it was found on the vast expanse of sky overhead.

妻子们过去习惯站在门口目送丈夫们去上班,这在现在已经不常在了。Over the past wife habit of standing in front of the door watched their husbands go to work, which is now rarely in.