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淡竹叶能清热消暑。Bamboo Leaf clears summer-heat.

常饮此茶,既能消暑又能止咳、化痰、健胃。The tea good on the throat and Stomach.

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我们可以在炎炎夏日中消暑一下。We can chill out a litle in such a hot summer.

随手喷喷,保持肌肤活力,清热消暑。Spray readily maintain skin vitality, Qingre heat.

遭遇最热夏季日本人“鬼屋”创意消暑。As temperatures soar, Japanese turn to ghost houses.

在炎热的天气里,美洲豹喜欢到河水或者池塘里去消暑。On hot days, they like to cool off in rivers and ponds.

仲夏的风,款款飘来,带来丝丝凉爽,消暑解热。The wind in middle summer comes kindly, making skin cool.

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具有顺气、止咳、健胃、消暑、保养皮肤之功效。Along with gas, cough, stomach, summer heat, the effect of skin care.

无论是夏日消暑小品或平日的开胃小点均适宜。Serve jello as cold dishes or ordinary appetizers would fit perfectly.

消暑解热毒,常饮绿豆粥。Refreshing antipyretic drugs, consumption of a variety mungbean porridge.

这房子是3房2浴,带游泳池,为炎热的夏天消暑及烧烤。This house is a 3bed 2bath, with swimming pool for the hot summer and your BBQs.

这个季节的食物要能消暑解热,利尿消肿。This seasonal food wants can disappear heat solution is hot, diuresis detumescence.

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27日,游客在距北京800公里的山东威海国际海水浴场消暑纳凉。A heat wave brought visitors to Weihai's beach, Shandong, 800 km southeast of Beijing.

冰冻的西瓜和其它的水果是最好的消暑解热方法。让我们大家一起来战胜这个盛夏吧!Snack on frozen watermelon and other fruit for a tasty way to beat this summer's heat!

杭州野生动物园,一只狒狒热得不行,直接吃起了冰盖来消暑。A baboon enjoying an ice lolly to cool off at Hangzhou Wild Animal Zoo, Hangzhou, China

海涛中餐厅预备了系列消暑美食,是您酷夏消暑的最佳选择!Come to Hao Tao Restaurant for a selected Summer Release Menu to release the summer heat!

这东西可以做药材的,农村人常用它熬茶,伏天消暑用。It can be used as medicine, rural people often use it to boil tea, dog days of summer by.

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木瓜味甘、性平、微寒,助克化之余还能消暑解渴、润肺止咳。Papaya, sweet natured, slightly cold, I can help digest the refreshing thirst, lungs and cough.

木瓜味甘、性平、微寒,助消化之余还能消暑解渴、润肺止咳。Papaya, sweet natured, slightly cold, I can help digest the refreshellong thellorst, lungs and cough.

听起来很不错。我们可以在炎炎夏日中消暑一下。你擅长游泳吗。That sounds like a good idea. We can chill out a litle in such a hot summer. Are you good at swimming?