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阿丁和小桃在海边游玩。O and small peach on the beach.

白雅琳筹划了一个在宜家的五小时游玩计划。Bai mapped out a five-hour outing.

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你计划到哪个城市去游玩呢?Which cities do you plan to visit?

今天我去游玩了鸣沙山。Today I go to the Min Sha Mountain.

好朋友,共游玩,日子过得欢。Friendship and play shorten the day.

他的合伙人当时和他一起在海滩游玩。His partner was at the beach with him.

出太阳的时刻,比我熊喜好游玩。Bear likes to play when the sun shines.

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现在,就让我们一起去乌镇的东栅游玩吧。Now, let's visit the east gate of Wuzhen.

工作是一钱枫冷笑话回事,游玩又是另一回事。Work is one thellong and play is another.

很多人都会去一些有趣的地方游玩。Many people will travel some intrest place.

母亲用小车推着婴儿在公园游玩。The mother wheeled the baby round the park.

我完全赞同全家一起出去球场游玩。I'm all for a family outing to the ballpark.

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去年秋天我们乘公共汽车去千山游玩了一次。Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus.

到了夏天,有些人到那地方去游玩。People go there on pleasure parties in summer.

在公园快乐游玩中的玥玥大公主!My princess Yue is happily playing in the park!

一个懒散的人只享用游玩和寻乐。An idle man only enjoys playing and IT pleasures.

出去旅游,或者游玩时,请戴上口罩。Go out to travel, or play, please wear the masks.

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常去游玩的人就想称它为新绿湖。One who frequents it proposes to call it Virid Lake.

他喜欢乘顺风疾驶的船游玩。He likes to travel in a ship running before the wind.

提到休斯顿是适合居住和游玩的有趣的城市。Houston is a fun city to live and play, says.