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穿针引线本身就是一种技巧。Threading a needle is an art in itself.

黛安充当的是穿针引线的角色。Diane's role was to introduce the piece.

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穿针引线本身就是一种技巧。Threading ga needle is an art in itself.

穿针引线对我祖母来说可不容易。My grandmother can't easily thread the needle.

她穿针引线时,总是眯眼蹙额。She frowns when she's putting thread into a needle.

她的视力很好,能不戴眼镜穿针引线。Her sight is equal to threading a needle without glasses.

这个下午,阳光在我安静的空空荡荡中,穿针引线。This afternoon, sunshine in my tranquil emptiness threads.

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科学技术协会发挥了穿针引线的作用。The Science and Technology Association served the function of a go-between.

有了德隆的穿针引线,爵士在近两个赛季已找回了失去的荣耀。With D-Will running the show, Utah has returned to glory the last two seasons.

恩施土家族女子,从小就学习穿针引线、牡丹花刺绣等。Enshi Tujia and women learn from an early age go-between, peony flower embroidery.

典型的圈内小“果”的性格,在全剧中起穿针引线的作用。She has the typical "little" Groupie's personality and acts as a go-between in the movie.

正是乔文科出色的穿针引线,为尤文获得了多次破门良机。Joe is an excellent liberal arts go-between for Ewing was a good opportunity to break many times.

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我们一起度过的时光无比珍贵——一起穿针引线、聊天、感受祖孙之间的深情。Our time spent together is precious—time to thread a needle, talk, and feel the love between generations.

莫吉认为尤文在中场囤积了太多的工兵,而缺乏能穿针引线的指挥官。Moggi that Juventus midfielder in the accumulation of too many engineers, and the lack of go-between to the commander.

当人们表示不屑并说自己不会画画的时候,只要问问他们会不会穿针引线,会不会骑自行车。When people pshaw and say they're unable to draw, ask them simply whether they can thread a needle, or ride a bicycle.

整个制度非常腐败,我要得到甚麽帮助,都必须先找到有势力、有关系的人穿针引线。Because the entire system is corrupt, I would need to have powerful connections in the authorities departments before I can get any help.

它扑朔迷离的情节结构,犯罪和神秘事件的细致描述,都是为了反映这一时代,为其再现社会、批判社会穿针引线。Its complicated plot structure, crime and mystery, detailed description is to reflect, in this era for its social, critical social agents.

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而社会角色分为母语运用的模范标兵、语文学习的校内外“穿针引线”者、和谐社区的促进者等角色。Social role including a model for the use of mother tongue, language learning inside and outside "go-between", people to promote community harmony.

刺绣是一门在织物穿针引线构成图案美感的手工艺术,而作为粤绣分支的潮绣更具有独特的审美意蕴。Embroider is a handicraft which shows flawless technique on constitute pattern. Considered as a branch of Guangdong embroider has its unique beauty.

演奏员时而正经八百的在演奏,忽而以滑稽搞笑的肢体语言演绎他们的集体创作,一位叙述者穿针引线,引领观众进入他们的音乐魔幻空间。Performers will present their collective Creation with their comedy funny body language. And also a narrator will lead you into a magical music space.