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他给我送了回礼。He sent me a return present.

或许,公众也只是“回礼”罢了。Perhaps the public is simply returning the favour.

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当我穿越时,我向尊敬的司机们挥手回礼。As I crossed, I waved to the courteous drivers in gratitude.

炎带给烟雨送给暄的回礼,并询问炎他的妹妹的情况。Inflammation to misty rain gave Xuan return, and asked his sister.

你一定很高兴,因为我的回礼准备很周到哦。You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared, for whatever you have to offer.

所以,如果等不来布什总统的回礼,也不能怪罪人家。So, if Bush's condolences never come, he'll have nobody to blame but himself.

作为回礼,明朝朝廷回赠了金子、香料、丝绸和许多其它的礼物。In return, the Ming court sent gold, spices, silk, and various other presents.

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我妻子经常翻看婚礼注册账,然后等额回礼。My wife always checks our wedding registry and gives the same as was given us.

司机从气喘吁吁的绿色火车头上向我们挥手致意,我也挥手回礼。From the cab of the little green wheezing loco, the driver waved. I waved back.

他给其他亲友的孩子的压岁钱少了,同样,对方也会以同等的红包回礼”。He gave other people's kids less, so their parents give the same amount in return.

如果你从没有想过为别人回礼,那么你也没有义务去购买礼物回赠。You are not obligated to buy a present in return if you had no intention of doing so.

我送孩子一把儿童玩具枪,作为圣诞礼物。而他送我一个后背织上了靶心的毛衣作为回礼。For Christmas, I gave my kid a BB gun. He gave me a sweater with a bull's-eye on the back.

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Caroler一家人来拜访,我们给用梅子蛋糕做回礼,在印度的圣诞节期间大家都这么交换。Carolers came by and we gave out plum cakes, which most families in India exchange on Christmas.

在回礼方面可以贴上一些雪花造型的标签或是饰品,会让宾客眼前为之一亮。In return, can post some snow modelling label or jewelry, can let a guest eyes for one of light.

一位当地的生意人溘然想到一个点子,就是男士们应该回礼给那些在西洋情人节送他们礼物的女士。It struck a local businessman that men should pay back the women who gave them a present on Valentine's Day.

生活赠与我们一件普通而珍贵的礼品,这就是青春.让我们以热情,奋发去向生活回礼.。Life presents us with a common, yet precious gift. That is youth. Let's repay it with our enthusiasm and diligence.

早就想来回礼,却一直没机会,这回便趁着节下来拜会夫人。Early muse a return gift, yet always have no chance, this period moncler jackets then take stanza down visit a madam.

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生活赠予我们一件普通而珍贵的礼品,这就是青春。让我们以热情、发去向生活回礼!Life endows us an ordinary but precious gift, that is youth. Let's reciprocate life with our enthusiasm and struggle!

孔子以孝释仁的真实意图,是想溯回礼制社会上下尊卑秩序的价值根据和心理本原。The true intention of his discussion is to recall values and rules of the society of propriety with arbitrary hierarchy.

即使你们是好朋友,如果你送的礼物太多,他们也会感到不自在的,因为他们不知道如何回礼才好。Even if you are good friends, if you give them too many gifts, they will feel uncomfortable too, because they don't know how to reciprocate.