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杜宾在美国有线电视新闻网的“国情咨文”中出现。" Durbin was on CNN's "State of the Union.

公众对奥巴马国情咨文讲话的反应不一。Reaction to the president's address has been mixed.

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发表最后一个国情咨文演讲时,我的心情很好。My last State of the Union address was a joy to deliver.

去找找在你附近的国情咨文观看聚会吧,而且别忘了回复Find and RSVP for a State of the Union Watch Party near you

总统于昨天通过所有电台发表了咨文。The president broadcast his message on all stations yesterday.

但他向国会发表的国情咨文却没有表现出这种领导能力。But his message to Congress showed no signs of such leadership.

如果他真当赤字一回事,他应该在发表国情咨文时表现出来。If he is serious about the deficit, this was the time to show it.

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奥巴马总统的国情咨文讲话是一件乏味无聊的事件。President Obama’s State of the Union address was a ho-hum affair.

布希总统发表最后一次国情咨文。President George Bush delivers his last state-of-the-union address.

我第一次站在这个讲坛上向各位发表国情咨文演说是在七年以前。Seven years have passed since I first stood before you at this rostrum.

在国情咨文里坚定的谈论预算会有帮助。Firm talk about the budget in his state-of-the-union message would help.

泰勒在竞选期间和他向国会发表国情咨文时就反对独立国库。Tyler had opposed it during the campaign and in his message to Congress.

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曾经必须观看的国情咨文电视讲话的观众人数正在收缩。What used to be a must-see for the country is watched by a shrinking audience.

这次抗议活动的时间与总统一年一度的国情咨文讲话一致。It was timed to coincide with the president's annual state of the union address.

在过去几天,志愿者们已经建立了数百个国情咨文观看聚会场地。P.S. -- Volunteers have set up hundreds of Watch Parties over the last few days.

一些共和党参议员强烈要求我推迟发表咨文,但我不愿意。Some Republican senators had urged me to delay the speech, but I wasn’t about to do that.

泰勒总统就目前的局势开始向国会起草国情咨文,但他没有完成这项工作。President Taylor began writing a message to Congress on the situation. He never finished it.

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现在我们来关注奥巴马总统国情咨文中的另外一个部分。We're going to focus now on another section from the president's State of the Union address.

奥巴马总统今晚在国会参众两院联合会议上作了第一次的国情咨文演说。President Obama gave his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress tonight.

美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马发表首份国情咨文,向美国人民阐述政府工作情况。President Barack Obama delivers his first state-of-the-union address, telling Americans how it is.