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我们不需要给他定罪。We need not judge him.

不过,定罪来自上帝。But conviction comes from God.

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我成了一个已定罪的全国重犯。I'm a convicted federal felon.

这等人定罪,是该当的Their condemnation is deserved.

这个被定罪要被处死在髑髅地的人。The Man condemned to die on Calvary.

布朗以叛国罪受到审讯及定罪。Brown was tried and convicted of treason.

这个定罪是越过其他界线的。This conviction was for crossing another line.

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目前还不知道该男子有没有被定罪。It is not known whether he has yet been charged.

那为什么还要起诉,想给他定罪呢?Why not wait until the conviction, and then sue?

这,就是已被定罪为杀人凶手的面孔。And yet this is the face of a convicted murderer.

里根犯有重案却没有被定罪。Carrigan had escaped conviction for a serious crime.

在肯尼亚,被定罪的海盗可能面临终身监禁。In Kenya, convicted pirates can face life in prison.

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如果定罪,斯莱特最高将面临七年监禁。He could face up to seven years in prison if convicted.

信众因着律法已经被定罪了吗?Have the hearers been convicted of their sin by the Law?

“我们不能宣告无罪,我们已经准备好要被定罪”。We can't have acquittals, we've got to have convictions.

刑事政策是定罪科刑的基础。Criminal policy is the base of the conviction and sentence.

陪审团不会仅仅根据旁证来定罪。The jury will not convict on circumstantial evidence alone.

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我预测这回会给这些人定罪。"I predict there will be convictions this time, " says Kass.

如果医生们拿病人的健康来冒险会被定罪。Doctors will be held guilty if they nsk their patients' health.

它应当符合司法实践中定罪的要求。It ought to meet the convicting criterion in judicial practice.