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水汪汪的一对眼睛,那么明亮。A pair of watery eyes, so bright.

水汪汪的眼睛像两颗玻璃珠。Watery eyes like two glass beads.

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过了一会,他抬起水汪汪的眼睛,看着大家。After a moment he looked up with watery eyes.

他得意洋洋地转动着水汪汪的斗鸡眼。His watery crossed eyes rolled in exaltation.

而此时的我,已是满眼水汪汪的泪水。And at this time I have a eyeful watery tears.

玛丽的蓝色连衣裙与她那对水汪汪的大眼睛很相配。Mary's blue dress goes well with her big dancing eyes.

汤姆是个很可爱的男孩,有一双水汪汪的大眼睛。Tom is a cute boy who has big eyes and a childish body.

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潘一跃而起,眼睛水汪汪的,满脸通红。Pen sprang up with very bright eyes, and a flushed face.

在这种美满的时刻,他们随时都会感到眼里泪水汪汪。In this full felicity, tears welled up to their eyes every instant.

苏拉亚身材高挑纤长,有着长长的乌发和水汪汪的黑眼睛。Soraya is tall and slim, with long black hair and dark, liquid eyes.

我抱着搪瓷罐就像淘金子那样使劲把这些水汪汪的混合物摇匀。I swayed and jiggled the watery mixture as if I were panning for gold.

他长着一双水汪汪的小眼睛,尖鼻子,脸上堆着不自然的假笑。He had small, watery eyes, a pointed nose, and wore an unpleasant simper.

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她的观众通常被她水汪汪的大眼睛和白皙的皮肤所吸引。Her audiences are usually attracted by her waterish huge eyes and pale alabaster skins.

花粉症的症状包括打喷嚏,发痒,流鼻涕或鼻塞,红,水汪汪的大眼睛。Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, itching, runny or stuffy nose and red, watery eyes.

他是个性格柔弱,有着水汪汪的蓝眼睛,并且头发分成中界的乡村青年。He is an effeminate country youngster with watery blue eyes and hair parted in the middle.

草场下面,那绿色的,浅浅的水汪汪的沼地上,平躺着一方深深的正方形池塘。Below Oldmeadow, in the green, shallow, soddened hollow of fields, lay a square, deep pond.

她有着一双水汪汪的大眼睛,小巧的鼻子,樱桃似的嘴巴,脑袋上还长着一头金色长发。She has a pair of watery eyes, a small nose, cherry like mouth, the head has long blond hair.

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某个小队也许会突然消失几天,等他们回来的时候就带回一袋袋稀薄的,水汪汪的脂肪。Teams of men disappear for a few days and come home with red rubber bags of thin, watery fat.

她长得可爱极了,有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,高高的鼻子,一张樱桃小嘴,头发像樱桃小丸子的发型。She looks cute, and a pair of watery eyes, high nose, a cherry mouth, hair, hair like Chibi Maruko.

兰德想到她水汪汪的大黑眼睛时,说“我可能会被淹死”,所以我猜这双眼睛也很重要。Rand thinks about her large, dark eyes that he "could drown in, " so I guess they're important, too.