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十二美元半百美分。Mai. That's twelve dollars 50.

他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence.

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年近半百,萨老却决定为保持学术竞争力,他必须专攻。Yet he decided at around 50 that to remain academically competitive he had to specialise.

去年欧洲废料出售约一个半百万公吨进入土耳其市场。Last year Euro-Scrap sold around one and half million metric tons into the Turkish market.

过半百的浩荡大军,在前锋尖刀营引领下,迅速地往山攀登并向右方向靠拢。Big group over fifties, leading by strong hikers, moved up quickly and also moved rightward.

巨大的桥墩将有半百米高,托起水泥高速路从头顶飞驰而去。Huge bridge towers are almost half hundred meters tall, raising huge repress way up for flying over the valley.

第半百六条香港出格行政区行政会议由行政长官主持。Article 56 The Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be presided over by the Chief Executive.

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在十九百年七十年代当马克思已经半百多岁时,他发现研究俄国的形势很重要,便开始学习俄语。In the 1870's when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.

众人疑惑,这对早已过半百的夫妻最终协议离婚究竟是为了什么呢?天王的母亲凯瑟琳杰克逊给出了答案,她说她早已经受够了丈夫乔杰克逊近乎冷酷的行为。Michael Jackson's parents are set to divorce after 60 years of marriage, after the King of Pop's mother Katherine tired of her husband Joe's cruel behaviour.

2008年,沙特一名8岁女孩的父亲不顾妻子反对,将女儿许配给一名年近半百的好友,以抵偿拖欠对方的债务。In 2008, an 8-year-old Saudi girl's father, despite his wife objected, betrothed to the daughter of a friend half a century, to cover the debt owed each other.

第半百二条保税区的外汇管理办法,由政务院外汇管理部门另行制定。Article 52 Rules on the management of foreign exchanges in bonded zones shall be separately formulated by the foreign exchange administrations under the State Council.

第半百八条香港出格行政区设立审计署,自力工作,对行政长官负责。Article 58 A Commission of Audit shall be established in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. It shall function independently and be accountable to the Chief Executive.

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可以说,年逾半百的玛丽不远万里来到中国工作的本身,也是一种对自己的挑战,看着玛丽在运动场上的矫健身姿,我们不禁为之深深地感动。At her stage of life, coming to China to teach was itself a further challenge to overcome. Mary's athletic performance on the tennis court was a great inspiration for all of us.

尽管他遭此极度厄运,斯蒂芬·霍金在他年已半百的时候还是成了“也许是当代最伟大的物理学家”。Yet at age 50, despite these crushing adversities, Stephen Hawking has become, in the words of science writers Michael White and John Gribbin, "perhaps the greatest physicist of our time."