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不行,汤姆少爷。Can't, Mars Tom.

哦,不,我可不敢,汤姆少爷。Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom.

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是小少爷么?Is a small young master?

你现在觉得怎么样,希刺克厉夫少爷?How do you feel now, Master Heathcliff?

你父亲照顾你周到吗,希刺克厉夫少爷?Is your father attentive to you, Master Heathcliff?

阿伯尔少爷再不需要什么劝告或说服了。Mr. abel needed no more remonstrance or persuasion.

米考伯先生是个聪明人,科波菲尔少爷。Mr Micawber is a very clever man, Master Copperfield.

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驼背五少爷点着头说。The young man with a hump still said, nodding his head.

少爷就在院子里,小左直接进去就好。Young main in the yard, small left directly go in nice.

他有许多他那时代的阔气少爷们的笑谈。He had many an anecdote of the gilded youth of his time.

少爷就在院子里,小左直接进去就好。Young master in the yard, small left directly go in good.

夫人,宁皇派人来要见少爷。Madam, King Ning sends someone here to visit Young Master.

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田少爷听到这里,不再威逼花父还钱。Tian Master heard here, no longer spend money into the father.

打扰了几位少爷的雅兴,真是不该。Bothered a few pleasures of young masters, be really not should.

林家少爷明通第一次娶妻,当晚新娘子就失踪。Master Lin Ming first took a wife, bride is missing on the night.

希刺克厉夫少爷大为恼火,硬说她的叙述全是假的。Master Heathcliff, much irritated, asserted her relation was false.

曾经少爷身份的我,一时间把这样的小屋想象成了自己的家。Once the identity of my master, a time to put this house as a home.

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你觉得这对少爷的将来会有怎样的影响?Q. What is your reaction to the future of compatriot Nelson Piquet?

工人们私下议论,男主一点儿不像农场的少爷,反到像是地痞无赖。Workers are grumblers, men dont like farm master, to like riffraff.

“呵呵,是吗?那你现在可愿跟我回去了。”少爷哑然失笑道。" Oh, yeah? Now you can let me go. " Can't help laughing canal master.