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你完全是孤立无援的。You’re in total isolation.

信念就是明白我们并非孤立无援。To believe is to know we are not alonge.

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习惯势力限制了她并使她孤立无援。Custom hedged her in and made her helpless.

但是我依旧瑟瑟发抖,因为我孤立无援,充满恐惧。Still, I shook with a mixture of aloneness and terror.

在许多民粹主义的举措上,法国孤立无援。On many of these populist measures, France is isolated.

‘歌伦波’运动仍然是孤立无援的,”Pinto说。"The quilombo movement is still very timid, " Pinto said.

贫困,厌战的非洲人孤立无援。Impoverished, war-weary Africans locally are on their own.

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从门后可以听见悲惨的孤立无援的动物的呻吟。Piteous , helpless, animal groans came from the next room.

他没有把你带到孤立无援的窘境,而又把后路切断。He doesn't bring you out on a limb and then cut off the limb.

他突然意识到他们此刻多么地孤立无援。At this moment it suddenly occurred to him how completely alone they were.

你们这帮家伙应该感到无耻,竟然结伙欺侮一个孤立无援的孩子。You boys should be ashamed of yourselves, ganging up on one helpless child.

辛德尔和梅斯回到飞船,发现父母不见了,他们孤立无援,束手无策。Cindel and Mace returned to the ship to find themselves truly stranded without their parents.

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他们必须知道,他们并非孤立无援,而是可以与许多留学生交谈。And they have to know they are not alone, there are many international students they can talk to.

字面意思“又高又干”,就像高原反应一样,实在是“处境困难”“孤立无援”。One day he just walked out, leaving her high and dry with three children and no means for substance.

对于大多数20世纪的人来说,这是恐怖电影的惯用伎俩,象征着孤立无援,预兆着不祥。For most of the 20th century, this was a horror film cliche, a symbol of isolation and doom foretold.

人们真的担心,一旦上了月球表面,宇航员可能最终会陷入孤立无援的境地。There was real fear that once on the lunar surface the astronauts might end up marooned and beyond rescue.

当他走出总督办公室的时候,那些渴求、惊慌,孤立无援的目光都投到阿尔帕特奇的身上。Eager, panic-stricken, helpless glances were turned upon Alpatitch when he came out of the governor's room.

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在寡妇的地位与丈夫紧密相联的地方,寡妇可能发现人们突然躲避她,她陷入孤立无援的境地。In places where a widow’s status is linked to her husband, she may find herself suddenly shunned and isolated.

卡利亚里没能组织起反击,福贾和麦特里处于孤立无援的状态,米兰则士气大振。Cagliari couldn't do much to react, Foggia and Matri remained isolated and Milan gained courage minute after minute.

另一方面,如果使保护性产业变得孤立无援,那么这些产业也能清晰的知道他们究竟要承受多大的损失。On the other hand , sheltered industries know precisely how much they stand to lose if left bare and unaccommodated.