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吉姆是一个假名。Jim is a pseudonym.

此方法不区分假名宽度。This method is kana-width insensitive.

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我给了警察一个假名和一个假地址。I gave the police a phony name and a phony address.

日语就是汉字与假名的混合体。Thus, Japanese, is a combination f Chinese and kana.

假名性是将假名作为标志符的用法。Pseudonymity is the use of pseudonyms as identifiers.

在1697年他用假名彼得·米哈伊洛夫向西私访In 1697 he goes west with the name of Peter Michaeloff.

我随机选一个假名去订位子,而只有姓是真的。I randomly pick pseudonyms for bookings but only surnames.

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这个版本有日语的「假名-汉字转换功能」。This version has Japanese "Kana-kanji conversion function".

我可以告诉你一个假名字,但是我不会,你就叫我“X”吧。I could give you a false name, but I wont. Just call me "X".

并且,也请带著你教科书中的假名-汉字版JSL以作为参考。Also, bring your Kana- Kanji version of JSL for your reference.

假名的出现,标志着日本民族文字的诞生。The appearance of Kana marked the naissance of written Japanese.

你试图用假名来获得弗劳尔夫人的钱。You have tried to get Mrs Flower's money by taking a false name.

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用户会出于各种原因选择注册别名或者假名.Users opt to register aliases and pseudonyms for different reasons.

一千年的汉唐文化对日本假名影响重大。A 1000-year-old Han-Tang culture had a major impact on the syllabary.

服务器假名将通过IP地址与多分支地址比较。Server aliases will be compared with multidrop addresses by IP address.

我找到三个凯特·莱曼,就是她给本顿的那个假名。We got three hits on Kate Leman, the same pseudonym she gave to Benton.

克尔凯郭尔写这本书下了一系列的假名,或用假名。Kierkegaard wrote the book under a series of false names, or pseudonyms.

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可是,斯台普顿住得离巴斯克维尔庄园那么近,还用着假名。But Stapleton was living so close to Baskerville Hall and using a false name.

你必须多使用假名-汉字教材及线上资源来练习。You should make use of the Kana -Kanji Version text and the online materials.

笔名的意思是用一个假名发表,以一个假作者的名义。Pseudonymous means it's published with a false name, a false author attributed.