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没人空手回家。No one goes home empty-handed.

绝对不要空手去任何地方。Never go anywhere empty-handed.

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我讨厌空手去参加宴会。I hate going to a party empty-handed.

然后,美军空手出来了。Then the marines came out empty-handed.

好极了。我讨厌空手去参加宴会。Good. I hate going to a party empty-handed.

谁也不可空手朝见我。No one is to appear before me empty-handed.

这种空手道班充满着竞争和“考验”。This class also has competitions and "tests".

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佛祖问他怎么空手回来了?Buddha asked him how he came back empty-handed.

警察命令那个男人空手出来。The police ordered the men to come out barehanded.

园户竟打了他,叫他空手回去。But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

园户却打了他,放他空手回去。But the tenants beat him and sent him back empty-handed.

你空手去吗?你没有带个什么新居礼物?Ken, are you empty handed? Didn't you bring a housewarming gift?

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T-Bag将螺钉递给了May,Michael空手走开了。T-Bag hands the bolt to May Tag and Michael walks away empty-handed.

孩子的母亲让孩子参加空手道班已经有六个月了。My son's mother has had him in karate classes now for about 6 months.

你看,他没有带刀带枪,空手来了。你们绝不能辜负他的信任。See, he has come without knife or gun. You must not betray his trust.

神命令每一个人都「不可空手朝见。God had commanded that no one "should appear before the LORD empty-handed."

你打发寡妇空手回去,折断孤儿的膀臂。Thou hast sent widows away empty, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken.

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她承认思念家乡,但害怕空手回到喀麦隆。She admits that she is homesick but is terrified to return to Cameroon empty-handed.

打针吃药好几万,空手出门空手返。Injections of tens of thousands take medicine, go out empty-handed back empty-handed.

空手道道衣之裤管长度是容许短一些只盖过小腿的一半。The karate- gi trousers may be slightly shorter so as to only cover half of the shin.