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介绍了大同机车厂在扭亏脱困工作方面的具体做法。This paper introduces Da Tong Rolling Stock Plant's specific method for making up deficits.

本文对亏损公司在扭亏年度进行异常的关联交易进行研究。What motives have loss companies to deal with abnormal related transaction in the profit year?

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通过对国有企业机制的改革,逐步走向扭亏为赢。Through the mechanism of state-owned enterprises reform, gradually reducing losses for the win.

国有企业的扭亏与增盈是一个问题的两个方面,它的有效解决依赖于企业的制度创新。Turning deficits and gaining surpluses for state owned enterprises are the two sides of a problem.

强化基础管理工作,向管理要效益,是企业扭亏成功的关键。Strengthening and asking for benefits from management are the successful key in making up deficits.

在注重社会效益的同时,邮政加大扭亏力度,积极提高邮政的经济效益。Meanwhile, the sector intensified efforts to make up deficits, by actively increasing economic returns.

在较长一段时间,政策性破产被称为国企扭亏脱困的“杀手锏”。In a longer period of time, policy-bankrupt state-owned enterprises out of its losses, known as the "trump card."

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海外业务持续成长,支撑整体业务扭亏和健康发展。The overseas service grows continually, the support overall service reverses losses with the healthy development.

工厂得以扭亏创收,离不开全体干部职工的共同努力。The factory turned loss into profit, it would never have happened without the efforts of all the cadres and employees.

在路桥集团公路一局,弓天云被人们誉为改革的闯将,扭亏的高手。In highway of road bridge group one bureau, gong Tianyun by people praise the pathbreaker that is reform, twist deficient ace.

国有企业改革继续深化,一些特困行业的解困扭亏工作取得进展。Reform of state-owned enterprises has deepened. Some extremely difficult sectors have made progress in turning from deficits to profits.

对长期亏损、扭亏无望的企业实施规范破产。We should declare bankrupt according to regulations those loss-making enterprises whose long-time difficult situation is unlikely to end.

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它承诺下一个财政年使公司扭亏,然后在此后三年内使公司开始盈利。It is committed to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year.

一本商业杂志最近报道了一家电视公司,报道上说,这家公司仍出现赤字,但可以在年内扭亏。A business magazine recently published a report about a television company. The report said the company was still in the red, but was able to cut its loss from the year before.

在实际应用中,它不但使服务行业的成本管理更科学,而且对于促进企业扭亏为赢,提高市场竞争力具有重要的现实意义。In practical application, it not only makes the cost management more scientific, but also promotes the profits, increase market competitiveness in great realistic significance.