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持枪者开枪扫射整个城镇。The gunfighters shot up the town.

他用机枪扫射敌机。He machine-gunned the enemy planes.

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他们用机枪扫射进攻的敌军。They machine-gunned the advancing troops.

强大的探照灯“啪”的一声打开,向这片区域扫射。Powerful searchlights snap on and scan the area.

枪手们以一阵弹雨向汽车扫射。The gunmen blasted the car with a hail of bullets.

战士们用机关枪向战壕内扫射。The soldiers raked the trench with machine-gun fire.

有创意和她的作品色彩扫射渗出。Her work oozes with creativity and bursts with color.

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我方炮兵部队的炮火向他们的炮艇扫射。The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.

我问“这些扫射的飞机没打扰你么?”I asked, "Don't those planes strafing the road bother you?

最前面的一排士兵被机枪火力扫射倒了。The front row of soldiers were mown down by machinegun fire.

他们可能出来扫射这桥。我们最好马上就走。They might be out to strafe this bridge. We'd better get off.

在沃尔什把卡扔给杰克时,他被一轮子弹扫射打死了。As he throws the card to Jack, Walsh is killed by a barrage of bullets.

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盖恩斯终于用一阵步枪扫射将杰克压制在某地。Gaines eventually pins Jack down with a constant barrage of rifle fire.

海蒂俏皮地做扫射状,蔡和郑配合地倒下。Heidi pretends to shoot around, Tsai and Cheng fall down in cooperation.

武装力量随后进行了扫荡,用机枪扫射四处逃散的人群。Military forces then swooped down to machine gun the fleeing population.

当战斗进行到很近距离时,F-35还可以使用一门25毫米机炮进行扫射。When the fighting gets really close, the F-35 has a 25 mm gun for strafing.

对了,我们是否忘了提兔子罗杰被机关枪扫射死了。Oh, did we forget to mention that Roger Rabbit gets machine gunned to death?

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这一次,他们顾不上留意那如冰雹一般扫射而来的残忍的子弹了。This time they did not heed the cruel pellets that swept over them like hail.

中川昭一盘旋的救生艇,而他的船员用机枪扫射的幸存者。Nakagawa then circled the lifeboats while his crew machine-gunned the survivors.

一个巨像的一次激光扫射可以干掉一队的机枪兵。One Colossi will be able to kill a group of Marines with one sweep of its lasers.