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从这次书市我找到了我最需要的书。I picked out the very book I needed best from this book fair.

德国法兰克福书市的一位女士正在整理巨型书架上的书籍。A woman adjusts books on a huge shelf at the Book Fair in Frankfurt, Germany.

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午餐休息的时候,我去了时尚新潮的皇后西街那儿的一个书市。During the lunch break I went to a book sale along the trendy Queen West area.

在伦敦的书市上,他们三个人相遇到了一起,他们的故事也有了联系。They all meet, and their stories connect, at the London Book Fair, of all places.

大部分大型连锁超市拥有会员卡,还有大型书市、杂货店、加油站。Most large grocery chains have them, as do many large bookstores, drugstores and gas stations.

大部分大型连锁超市拥有会员卡,还有大型书市、杂货店、加油站。Most large grocery chains have them, as do many large bookstores , drugstores and gas stations.

地坛书市一年举办四次,分别在春、夏、秋、冬四季。The book trade fair are held four times a year, in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter respectively.

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此外,第一书市的购买扩大了印量,也将降低出版商的单位印刷成本。Additionally, FBMP's purchase of copies added to print runs will lower publishers ' per unit printing costs.

于是她们蜂拥至二七广场的文海书市,找老师指定的作文参考书。So they rush to the sea Erqi Plaza of the text book market, specified essay reference books to find a teacher.

这些印章表明这些书籍是专为第一书市提供的版本,不得转售或回收。These medallions will identify the book as a First Book Marketplace premium edition, not for resale or return.

因此,第一书市市场下的销售份额不会被这些销售努力极大地影响。Therefore, First Book Marketplace projected market share will not be affected substantially by these sales efforts.

这些“冷门”书籍的销售比例正以高速成长,预估未来可占整个书市的一半。These "popular" books to sales ratio is high growth, forecast the future could account for half of the book market.

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在某些情况下,第一书市的书籍能够成为测量社区关系平台的另外一个尺度。In some instances, the Marketplace books can be utilized as an additional dimension for community relations platforms.

但是在那儿我们找不到一本英语书,最终我们在一个书市的拐角找到了。But we couldn't find any English book there. In the end we reached the corner of a book market and find what we wanted.

新的市场区分已经定位。第一书市准确地锁定这一客户群,因为他们了解第一本书,而第一本书也了解他们的需求。New market segment is targeted . FBMP is perfectly positioned to engage this customer base since they know First Book and First Book knows their needs.

这一经典书籍的各种版本在韩国书市随处可见,其漫画版在韩国青少年和老年人中很受欢迎。Various versions of the classic book were available in the country's book stores. Its comic version is favored among the young and old people in South Korea.

在地坛公园举行的2010年春季书市在开幕日当天只吸引了少量访客,一方面是因为天气寒冷,另一方面是公众热情有所减退。The 2010 Spring Book Fair in Ditan Park attracted only a modest group of visitors on its opening day, with nippy weather and a decline in public interest blamed.

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第一书市正在就市场上新的硬封面版图书与书市特殊的平装版图书的同步上市进行谈判。The First Book Marketplace is negotiating for the simultaneous release of a special paperback Marketplace edition of selected new hardback releases on the market.

提高了购买力。第一书市提高了第一本书的购买力,从而平衡了其购买的所有书籍的额外折扣。Increased purchasing power. The FBMP increases the purchasing power of First Book, enabling it over time to leverage additional discounts for all books it purchases.

第一书本已经是发起和执行慈善基础的营销活动的市场领导者,而且已经开始将其营销重点放在第一书市。First Book is a market leader in the design and implementation of cause based marketing initiatives and has already begun to include the FBMP in its marketing pitches.