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擦擦屁股。Wipe your bottom.

熊一把抓住老鼠擦擦屁股走了!Xiong seize a mouse butt wipe away!

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要找人帮你送洗衣物?还是帮你擦屁股?。Someone to pick up your laundry ? Or wipe your ass?

我不能你每次搞砸时都帮你擦屁股!I can't be responsible for you every time you screw up!

但是依然得自己擦屁股,所以需要再接再厉。Still have to wipe my own arse though so needs more work.

整个国家都在为密苏里州擦屁股。The whole country cleans up the mess this state leaves behind.

第一个人说,“可我没带擦屁股的纸。”The first one said, "But I don't have any paper to wipe my ass."

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今天,我擦屁股的时候把手臂肌肉拉伤了…Today, I pulled a muscle in my arm while wiping my own butt. FML.

世界上最没用的东西就是工资条,看了生气,擦屁股太细。In the world the most useless thing is a salary, see the angry, too fine wipe.

我要用铁锤伺候埃尔金大理石雕塑,之后用蒙娜丽莎来擦屁股。I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira.

有人试图做阿泰牌手纸,结果谁也没办法用它擦屁股。They once made a Ron Artest toilet paper, but it wouldn't take sh_t from anybody.

相反,他深感有必要静候泡沫破裂,然后让央行为其擦屁股。Instead, he felt that central banks should wait to mop up the mess once the bubble had burst.

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若不去,他就去死好了,这样他新晋的兄弟们就可以用羊皮纸来擦屁股了。If not, well, he'd be dead, and his new brothers could wipe their arses with these parchments.

有人试图拿我的头像做大便纸,结果谁也没办法用它擦屁股。They once made a toilet paper, which have my face on it, but it wouldn't take shit from anybody.

第一个人反问到,“你以前试过用3个25美分,2个10美分和1个5美分来擦屁股吗?”The first one replied, "Have you ever tried to wipe your ass with 3 quarters, 2 dimes, and a nickel?

在那之前,每当我大完便,我习惯要擦屁股好几次,很浪费卫生纸。Before that, when I had finished pooping, I used to wipe my anus several times and it wasted toilet paper.

看上去美国的纳税人们又要为这些华尔街的CEO和CFO们擦屁股了。It appears the American tax payer will once again clean-up the mess for these Wall Street CEO'S and CFO's.

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哼哼,你们先把利比亚轰成了垃圾,然后现在又叫别人来给你们擦屁股!无耻啊!What's the heck? You bombed Libya into trash, then ask some body else to clean up your trash and rebuild the country! Come on!

近日,一张法国男子用法国国旗擦屁股的照片令法国民众感到愕然和愤怒在老兵组织的抗议下,这张照片被迅速撤下。France's justice minister has called for legal action to be taken against a man who was photographed wiping his bottom with the French flag.

考古学家检查了古老的“个人卫生棒”上残留的粪便,这种卫生棒是在公元前111年到公元109年之间人们用来擦屁股的工具。Archaeologists examined the preserved faeces on ancient 'personal hygiene sticks' which were used to wipe the backsides of people between 111BC and 109AD.