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其主要是以碎米和麦芽为原料,采用糖化和发酵的工艺方法。Broken rice and malt are made use as its principal raw materials.

以碎米为原料,采用全酶法制备超高麦芽糖浆。Extremely high maltose syrup was enzymatically produced from broken rice.

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正常大米大小均匀、丰满光滑,有光泽,色泽正常,少有碎米和黄粒米。Normal rice uniform size, fullness smooth, glossy, color normal, and yellow tablets Cardamine few metres.

本文开发的大米质量检测系统可以有效地检测大米图片、视频中的碎米率、垩白度和黄米率。The system designed by this article could effectively detect the rice broken rate, chalky degree and yellow rate.

近年,经过精加工的“碎米芽菜”,以其质量上乘、方便隆重而深受群众喜爱。In recent years, after finishing the " Cardamine bean sprouts, " with its high-quality, convenient and grand loved by the masses.

抛光效果好且不易产生碎米现象。The invention has the advantages that the polishing effect is good, and the phenomenon of rice pulverization is effectively reduced.

以恩施渔塘坝堇叶碎米荠的株高和鲜重为基础材料,分析了堇叶碎米荠在不同时间和不同立地条件下的生长差异。The growth difference of the fresh weight and plant tall of Cardamine violifolia in different area of Yutangba of Enshi were analyzed.

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就工艺设计中产生碎米的原因进行了分析,并提出相应的预防措施。An analysis for the cause of broken rice occurred was explained and corresponding preventive measures to reduce broken rice were given.

研究以碎米为原料微波辅助酶法制备抗性淀粉的工艺。Ultrasonic treatment followed by pullulanase hydrolysis was employed to prepare resistant starch from broken rice in the present study.

结果显示,在4℃条件下,低质量分数的硒增加了白菜和堇叶碎米荠可溶性糖、游离氨基酸的含量。The results were as follows, low selenium enhanced content of soluble sugar and amino acid in Cardamine violifolia and Cabbage under 4℃.

本文介绍一种科学、简便、经济的新技术—糙米超声波喷雾调质技术,它能有效地改善糙米的加工特性,降低碎米率,提高碾米加工厂的经济效。A new scientific simple and economical technique of brown rice conditioning by ultrasonic wave humidifying device is introduced in this paper.

研究了以碎米为原料,利用酶和微生物加工不发酵和发酵米汁饮料工艺。The techno1ogy for making the non fermented or fermented rice juice beverage from broken rice by utilization of enzyme and microbe was studied.

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大米分级精选机是我厂自行设计的白米分级产品。它利用整米和碎米长度不一致的原理,将整米和碎米分离。The Rice Refined Sorret, researched and manufactured in factory, can separate the whole rice from the crushed rice according to different length.

讨论了以节米碎米为主要原料,生产含汽发酵性饮料的工艺流程和工艺参数。The technological process and parameters of the production of fermented drink containing gas are discussed. Its main material is oddments of rice.

以清洁米加工的副产品高蛋白米粉和碎米为原料,采用回归正交设计法研制发酵米汁饮料。An orthogonal regression design is used in studying the preparation of fermentation rice juice beverage from high-protein rice flour and broken rice.

本设备是用于成品大米再进行分级为特级米、一般米、大碎米、小碎米四个等级,也可适用于物料分离。The equipment is mainly used in dividing the finished rice. It can divide the cleaned rice into 4 classes. It also can be used in separating the stuff.

人工种植山野菜紫花碎米荠能够明显提高退化生态系统的生物量,而该种山野菜更适合生长在林下。Cardamine tangutorum wild vegetable planted artificially could markedly improve the biomass of degraded ecosystem, and this kind of wild vegetable is more suitable for growing in the forest.

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三种能量饲料中,以大麦的蛋白及氨基酸表观消化率最高,但干物质、粗脂肪及能量的表观消化率均显著低于玉米和碎米。Barley grain had the highest protein and amino acid digestibility, but the apparent digestibility for dry matter, crude fat and energy were significantly lower than that of corn and broken rice.