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毫无疑问,律师们正摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。The lawyers are, no doubt, rubbing their hands.

但是发展中国家仍然跃跃欲试。But developing countries are nevertheless raring to go.

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楚慈和众租客倡议买楼保值,听得众人跃跃欲试。Chu and all the tenants initiative, hear all buyers hedge try.

1979年,蒂姆·苏厄德坐在我的听众当中,大睁双眼,跃跃欲试。In 1979, Tim Seward sat in my audience wide-eyed and eager to grow.

就连那些对汉语知之甚少,甚至一点不懂的人也在跃跃欲试。Even those with limited or no knowledge of Chinese are heeding the call.

一个个年轻男女欢欣鼓舞,一束束鲜艳玫瑰跃跃欲试。A young men and women and rejoice, bundles bright-coloured rose itch to try.

看到这些精彩的武功表演,很多人可能也会跃跃欲试。Seeing these wonderful performances, many spectators might want to give it a try.

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新上任的销售经理跃跃欲试,要进军东亚市场。The sales manager recently in power itched to have a go at the East Asian market.

新上任的销售经理跃跃欲试,要进军东亚市场。The sales manager recently in power itched to hxdye a go at the East Asian market.

巢边的那只雏鸟正跃跃欲试地扑打着翅膀,准备飞向广阔的世界。The young bird on the edge of the nest was trying his wings to fly into the world.

大家纷纷跃跃欲试,很快投入到一个个趣味盎然的游戏中去,现场洋溢着欢天喜地的节日气氛。Many were eager to have a try and then immersed themselves in the interesting games.

海蟹一上桌,那家伙的个儿大得像小脸盆,真是令人跃跃欲试,兴奋不已。Crab a serve, that guy's stature as big as a small basin, I am really eager, excited.

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如果市场大幅下挫而你又跃跃欲试,那么就做些理智的事情。If the market plunges and you have an overwhelming urge to act, do something sensible.

就在锅炉旁边的地上有一条盘成一团,跃跃欲试想咬人的草原响尾蛇。On the floor next to the heater was a prairie rattlesnake, coiled and ready to strike.

在众多猜疑人士与信用评级机构中,欧洲的左翼“流氓”和“恶棍”纷纷摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。In speculators and ratings agencies, Europe’s left has a ready cast of villains and rogues.

中国和俄罗斯的网络公司也在跃跃欲试要在美国的股票市场上市。Web companies from China, Russia and elsewhere are also rushing to list on American exchanges.

经过海、空狂轰乱炸之后,这种带炮塔的两栖坦克车开始跃跃欲试。The amphibious tanks with turret-housed cannons went in in after heavy air and sea bombardment.

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他在鞍上回身呼唤他那些跃跃欲试的将士们,声如雷鸣。His voice wAS like rolling thunder AS he turned in his saddle and called to his eager followers.

明天划艇比赛才开始,今天选手就跃跃欲试了。The rowboat race won't begin until tomorrow, but the players have already itching to start today.

就算是最迷你的贵宾狗,也会跃跃欲试地要保卫家门以及男女主人。Even the tiniest poodle is lionhearted, ready to do anything to defend home, master, and mistress.