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一旦你真的听到,就不能置若罔闻。You cannot ignore them once truly heard.

这些警告被置若罔闻,结果危机来了。But these warnings were ignored, and the crisis came.

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大提琴是否接受了这个回答,还是对其置若罔闻?Is the cello listening to the answer, or is it oblivious?

詹宁斯太太说,对女儿的责备置若罔闻。" said Mrs. Jennings, without attending to her daughter's reproof.

他对老板的话置若罔闻,根原不把它当回事。He turns a deaf ear to what the boss says, never taking it seriously.

她匆匆穿过双扇玻璃门,对身后的呼唤也置若罔闻。She also ignored his call as she pushed through the double glass doors.

同时,国民政府对国际劳工局的直接干预也置若罔闻。The government even turned a deaf ear to the direct intervention by the ILO.

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然而,迄今为止,科学家们一直对阿森松岛的成功置若罔闻。However, to date, scientists have been deaf to the parable of Ascension Island.

菲比停顿了一会,仿佛对这个意为意大利警察组织的字眼置若罔闻。Phoebe paused, as if the word for the Italian police force might be sinking in.

而政府官员却对于几年前对于该药物的警告置若罔闻。“文迪雅可作为药物安全法律改革的一个案例。"Avandia is a case study of the need for reform of our drug safety laws, " he said.

因此,受雇来救我们的人对于我们的推理和根据都置若罔闻。Thus, our reasoning and rationale may fall on the deaf ears of those we employ to save us.

当然多数人对此置若罔闻,因为这的确易说难行。This isn't easy for most people to accept, which is why they might dismiss an article like this.

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然而,法国对于梯也尔在议会上发表的自以为像海妖的歌声一样迷人的言词置若罔闻。France, however, turned a deaf ear to what Tiers flattered himself to be a parliament arysiren's song.

然而,法国对于梯也尔在议会上发表的自以为象海妖的歌声一样迷人的言辞置若罔闻。France, however, turned a deaf ear to what Thiers flattered himself to be a parliamentary siren's song.

我几次试图阻止他再说下去,并一再表示,我只要两箱那种白酒就好了,但他对我的话置若罔闻。I tried to stop him. I told him that all I wanted were two cases of the white, but he wouldn't hear of it.

她说她收集50个签名在一个请愿书上,送到行政官员,但这已经被置若罔闻。She said she collected 50 signatures on a petition sent to officials, but that it had fallen on deaf ears.

虽然他深知抽烟有害健康,但他对我们要他戒烟的忠告却一置若罔闻。Although he is aware of smoking is bad for health, he ignore our avice about givig up smoking as a deaf ear.

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没有哪个国家会容忍大使馆受到围困,或者对国民受到围攻,面临死于暴民之手的危险置若罔闻。No country can long tolerate a besieged embassy or news of beleaguered nationals dying at the hands of a mob.

捷克共和国内的大约30万罗马人饱受贫穷、种族偏见和犯罪之苦,而捷克政府却对这个问题置若罔闻。Poverty, prejudice and crime fester among the 300,000-odd Roma in the Czech Republic. Governments have dodged the problem.

它说明政府对满足冬奥会场馆最起码的技术要求都置若罔闻。Both show a government whose responses meet the barest technical requirements of acceptable conduct, but not one iota more.