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什么是财富?What is wealth?

关于多到令人嫉妒的财富。ON ENVYING WEALTH.

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这就是通向财富之路The way to wealth.

财富能使人拜倒。Wealth makes worship.

财富各归各。Wealth, each to each.

你将享受到彻底的财富共享。It's complete sharing.

才智比才财富好!Better wit than wealth!

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她炫耀她的财富。She flaunts her riches.

壮健是生第一财富。The first wealth is health.

他们的财富外流了。Their fortune drained away.

他声称视财富为粪土。He claims to despise riches.

我爱财富与美名。I desire fortunes and fames.

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他受到她的财富诱惑。He was allured by her wealth.

是一个碎布,以财富故事吗?Is it a rags to riches story?

土地乃财富之母。Land is the mother of wealth.

他的财富是怎样得来的?How did he acquire his wealth?

他怎么会有这些财富?Whence has he all this wealth?

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为什么不利用你们的财富?Why not profit by your riches?

可我父亲不能失去她的财富。But he mustn't lose her wealth.

储蓄可以积成财富。Savings may swell into fortune.