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风是怎样形成的?How is wind formed?

台语是何时形成的呢?When is Taigi formed?

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冰坝为什么会形成?Why do ice dams form?

是形成了一个角度吗?Does it make an angle?

一个优良品种形成了。A strong breed emerged.

他们习惯形成?Are they habit-forming?

阵列开始形成。And word array is loaded.

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形成一个“群体概念最为淡薄的群体”Forming a 'minimal group'

形成了二氧化碳。Goes up the stack as CO2.

这条河形成了一个大弯。The river makes a great S.

树木在路的上方形成拱形。Trees overarched the road.

形成茧或皮肤的硬结组织。Form a callus or callus es.

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二是队伍结构形成梯队。The team structure is rundle.

这种语言是怎么形成的,how did this language emerge,

刺猬能滚成一团,形成圆球。Hedgehogs can roll into balls.

草酸形成的一种盐或酯。A salt or ester of oxalic acid.

倘若果真如此,这个人就像一个正在形成的火药桶。If so, you've got a powder keg.

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形成一种非良性循环。It forms a non-virtuous circle.

和手术刀形成的刀口一致。It's consistent with a scalpel.

她那弯弯的背是慢慢形成的。The bent back developed slowly.