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这就是美国人的禀赋。That is the genius of America.

我们不需要语言学习的特殊禀赋。We don't need a special gift for language learning.

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这种自信源于美国人的禀赋。Such confidence stems largely from the genius of America.

所有的灵魂在道中被铸时,都有一个禀赋。All souls as they were cast from the Tao had an endowment.

它不吝惜在大地上展现一切身体美感的禀赋。All the gifts of physical beauty have been lavished on it.

英勇和禀赋是潜行者下给衣衫褴褛的富孀的赌注。The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.

他们都没有伯林所具备的将抽象观念戏剧化、拟人化地加以表现的禀赋。No one had Berlin's gift for dramatising and personalising abstract ideas.

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第三方担保可以帮助禀赋不足的企业融资。The third-part collateral increases the indirect financing ability of SMEs.

国际贸易格局的变迁与各国文化禀赋的兴衰具有一致性。International trade pattern has a vicissitude consistent with nations' cultures.

但实际上,这是在进化过程中人类获得的特有的禀赋。But this instinct is, for all intents and purposes, an evolutionary novelty among humans.

传统的比较优势理论包括比较成本理论和要素禀赋理论。The traditional comparative advantage theory consists of comparative cost theory and H-O theory.

没人能忽略他平息各种政治阴谋诡计的禀赋。One cannot overlook his uncanny ability to navigate the many political intrigues and maneuverings.

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比拟之下,美国的父母更趋势于把孩子的成功回于禀赋。By contrast, American parents are more likely to attribute their children's success to natural talent.

创新思维是人类所独具的禀赋,也是促进社会进步的原动力。Innovational thought is the unique gift that only human beings have and the push for social development.

她禀赋超凡的文才,又肩负着家庭生活的重担。She was gifted with literary brilliancy while she shouldered the responsibility of supporting her family.

百色市是红色革命胜地,红色旅游资源和绿色旅游资源类型丰富,数量繁多,资源禀赋高,优势明显。Baise is a revolutionary resort with rich ecological and historical resources of high value and advantage.

长三角区域不但有着优越的自然禀赋,而且有着充满巨大活力的吴越文化。The Yangtze River Delta not only possesses excellent natural talents, but also has energetic Wuyue culture.

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其时,一些意想到他们曾不停在误用自由意志的禀赋,因而回归到了以圣光显化中。When some realized that they were misusing their gift of free will, they returned to manifesting in the light.

其它的大家都一样,同样的一片天空下,同样的阳光雨露,同样的才干、智慧的禀赋。Other people are the same, the same one sky, the same sunshine and rain, the same talents and wisdom of the endowment.

进而从五态性格特征和遗传两个方面探讨禀赋与中风发病的相关性。Then in the five-state character characteristic and heredity, we explore the relation between Innateness and stroke. 3.