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第二次长出来的森林就是次生林。The newly emerged forest is called secondary forest.

发到26章后,他出了次长差。After posting Chapter 26, he went on a long business trip.

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同时也曾担任国际事务财务部门的次长。He has also worked as undersecretary of the Treasury Department for international affairs.

他由4位负有具体职责的次长支持工作,这些次长也是当选的政界人士。He is supported by 4 junior ministers with specific responsibilites, who are also elected politicians.

此外,阿曼现在更有一位女性次长,及297位局长和副局长。In addition there is now one women under-secretary, plus 297 director generals and deputy director generals.

外交部次长夏立言辞职,原因是外界批评外交部最初拒绝外国援助。Vice Foreign Minister Andrew Hsia resigned over criticism of the ministry's initial rejection of foreign aid offers.

没错,曾担任国际事务财务部次长,任职于布什政府,时下经济到底有多糟呢?Right as Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs in the administration of Gorge W. Bush How bad is it?

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伪满洲国政权的行政运作,就是通过总务厅、次长制来实现的。The administrative operation of the puppet regime was achieved through office of general services and undersecretary system.

“经济部次长”黄重球告诉我,人们预计今后将会有更多此类规模的灾难。People expected more disasters on this scale in the future, the vice minister of economic affairs, Huang Jung-Chiou, told me.

英国司法部政务次长沙希德。马利克已经宣布在接受对其财政状况调查的同时辞去司法部政务次长一职。The British junior Justice Minister Shahid Malik has announced he is stepping down pending an investigation into his finances.

耶伊的疫情由苏丹南部政府主管卫生的次长在3月14日正式宣布。The outbreak in Yei was declared officially over by the Under Secretary of Health of the Government of southern Sudan on 14 March.

二○○五年,地球最长与次长的跨海大桥同时建造,而且是在同一地区。In 2005, the world’s longest and the second longest sea crossing bridges were under construction at the same time and in the same area.

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他也是慈济的成员,在每周周一吃素,并且即使在当上“次长”后还自愿参加垃圾回收工作。It turned out he too was a Tzu Chi member, who was vegetarian on Mondays and volunteered for rubbish recycling even after taking office.

周末,美国财政次长大卫。麦考密克参加了在巴西召开的20国财政大臣峰会,回国后,他对此计划表示赞扬。U. S. Treasury Undersecretary David McCormick hailed the plan after returning from a weekend meeting of G-20 finance ministers in Brazil.

外交部次长夏立言辞职,原因是外界批评外交部最初拒绝外国援助。Vice Foreign Minister Andrew Hsia resigned over criticism of the ministry's initial rejection of foreign aid offers. Politicians from Mr.

经济部次长尹启铭昨日否认,将因美国主导的美伊战事而采取限电措施。Vice Economics Minister Yiin Chii-ming yesterday denied that power rationing may be imposed because of the impact of the U. S. -led war on Iraq.

弗里德和负责防务政策的美国国防部次长埃德尔曼在谈到未来美俄关系面临的挑战的时候使用了强硬的措辞。Fried and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Eric Edelman used strong language in characterizing the challenges ahead in U.S.-Russian relations.

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但是,我不但顺顺利利完成了第一次长假游,第二年我又再度出发,做了次长达两月的旅行。But if you know me, than you’ll know that not only did I make the first month long trip, but I also made a second two month long trip the next year.

它们为人类产出了这么高质量的皮毛,却不能保证它们这短暂的一生过得安乐——动物们在死之前或许会宁愿自己第一次长出的毛是肮脏的、暗淡无光的。So high quality fur products do not indicate a lifetime of wellbeing – rather that the animal only shed its filthy, matted infant fur just before death.

根据矿体特征和矿体分布规律,北北西向断层上盘张扭性裂隙及跑马岗组褪色白云质含砾次长石砂岩具有较好的找矿远景。According to ore body characteristics and distribution, NNW hanging wall transtension fracture and Paomagang Fm fade dolomitic gravel subarkose has great prospects.