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反正我左右消受不起。I bestow it right and left.

我没有胃口,因而无福消受。Having no appetite, I did not enjoy it.

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她自己的两个女儿却只消受她的爱抚。Her daughters received nothing but caresses.

这个星球可消受不起这种玩世不恭的做法。And the planet can’t afford that kind of cynicism.

平生于物之无取,消受山中水一杯。Life in the content of no, cannot enjoy mountain water in the cup.

她现在还消受不起浪漫带来的风险——尤其是一个和戏剧演员。She had no more use for the perils of romance. Especially with an actor.

可见当时嬉戏的光景了,这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在是无福消受了。It's an interesting event of playing in the past, but we have no more now.

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最小的和最大的同样有消受青春的权利。The last born has as good a right to the pleasures of youth, as the first.

可是看来这几本书已经无法消受再一名粗心大意的小读者!However, it would seem that they will not survive another careless little reader!

野餐者同时可以消受一丝私人空间的味道,因为周围没人。The picnickers can enjoy a sense of privacy all the same, for no one else is near.

颢丽,神经错乱是富人的专利。发飙是中产阶级消受不起的奢侈品。You gotta be rich to be insane, Hol. Losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class.

当我还是个年轻人的时候—-当然,在消受过两任老婆之前,在吸进25万支雪茄之前,在灌下3千夸脱烈酒之前.When I was a younger man--two wives ago, 250, 000 cigarettes ago, 3, 000 quarts of booze ago.

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高一飞惊诧,这个礼物让他无法消受,而面对杜八根,高一飞又无法回绝。GaoYiFei wonder, this gift let he could not digest, and face GaoYiFei eight root, du also unable rebuffed.

纵使你有一座金山,如果没有健康的身体,也无福消受。Even though you have one Jinshan, if does not have the health the body, also does not have the luck enjoys.

终于他鼓足勇气跟我吱唔道,对他而言,我的经验太丰富了,他消受不起。Eventually he plucked up the courage and said I was too experienced for him and that he couldn’t go out with me.

更加令人嫉妒的是,这种绝大多数人无福消受的特权,在加菲猫看来竟然是理所当然的。Even more jealous , that the vast majority of people without Fuxiaodao privileges, it was in Garfield is granted.

如果你不能消受那么多的羊肉和印度香辣鸡的话,你仍可以稍稍享受一下克林顿式晚餐。For those who can't handle that much minced lamb and chicken tandoori, a night at Bukhara can still have a Clintonian cast.

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如果美联储为维护两家公司而担忧,那为了对抗通货膨胀而进行的加息他们能消受吗?And if the Fed has to worry about safeguarding Fannie and Freddie, can it afford to raise interest rates to combat inflation?

可见当时嬉戏的光景了,这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在是无福消受了。We can imagine the joyful scene at that time, which is really interesting and it is pity that we do not have such blessing now.

尽管有些服务既无必要又贵到你难以消受,但法律咨询是个例外,几乎所有创业者都需要不同程度的法律咨询。While unnecessary services cost you money you can't afford, nearly all startup entrepreneurs require some level of legal advice.