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这时弗农姨父好像突然吃了豹子胆。Uncle Vernon suddenly found his voice.

我的表第约翰是我姨父的孩子。My cousin John is the child of my uncle.

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但是,我的姨父和姨妈就很差劲。My aunt and uncle and cousin are, though.

直到姨父怒吼一声“小子!”It was not until his uncle bellowed, "BOY! ""

咱们上楼去告诉艾伯特姨父和杰基。go upstairs and tell Uncle Albert and Jackie.

我是来接哈利,把他送到他姨妈姨父家的。I've come to bring Harry to his aunt and uncle.

“咱们给玛姬挂个电话吧。”弗农姨父建议说。"We could phone Marge, " Uncle Vernon suggested.

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艾伯特姨父想要她的钱给他妻子安妮。Uncle Albert wanted her money for his wife, Annie.

姨父看了她一眼,目光显得和蔼而犀利。Her uncle looked at her awhile with genial acuteness.

你彻底误会我了!看在上帝的份上,醒醒吧姨父!You have me all wrong! For God's Sake, Wake Up Uncle!

她像你姨父或我一样希望这门亲事能成。She desires the connexion as warmly as your uncle or myself.

费姨父和塔蒂姨妈已经离开宾夕法尼亚,到了伊利诺伊。Uncle Fay and Aunt Tattie had left Pennsylvania for Illinois.

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弗农姨父敲了几下玻璃,但是那蛇动也不动一下。Uncle Vernon tapped on the glass, but the snake didn't budge.

“胡说,”弗农姨父说,“他们好多人都疯了,到处乱咋呼。"Barking, " said Uncle Vernon, "howling mad, the lot of them.

佩妮姨妈和弗农姨父则面色阴沉地看着对方。Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia kept looking at each other darkly.

他正要上楼回房,弗农姨父真说话了。He was about to go back upstairs when Uncle Vernon actually spoke.

嗯,你的艾伯特姨父要钱,汤姆布里格斯想要花园。Well, your uncle Albert wanted money. Tom Briggs wanted the garden.

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弗农姨父发出一声像是老鼠被人踩到似的怪叫。Uncle Vernon made another funny noise, like a mouse being trodden on.

邓布利多坚定地说,“等他长大一些,他的姨妈姨父会向他说明一切。His aunt and uncle will be able to explain everything to him when he's older.

“我想先和你的姨父艾伯特金谈谈,”沃尔什探长说。‘I would like to talk first to your nucle, Albert King, ’Inspector Walsh said.