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我俩无缘相见。We missed meeting. It must be fate.

非洲国家这次终与半决赛无缘。Africa will not reach the semifinals this time.

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无缘三分暖,有缘八分熟。No margin of three points, a margin of eight points.

日出、云海、佛光皆于我无缘。Sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha's light is in for me.

在这种“新常态”经济下,西方将与繁荣无缘。The west will not thrive in this “new normal” economy.

刚刚进球破百的埃托奥却意外无缘首发。Eto 'o's goal just Pobai but missed the first accident.

她对书本不感兴趣,书本知识和她无缘。Books were beyond her interest--knowledge a sealed book.

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我觉得饥饿使穷人无缘接触到赛车和芭比娃娃。I think starvation takes priority over hotwheels and barbies.

刘璇的失误使中国女子体操队与奖牌无缘。This fault of hers had turned the group away from the medals.

我只希望一世复一世,为祢做无缘的奉献服务。I only want Your causeless devotional service birth after birth.

看王文芳的画,和古文人画近乎无缘。See Wang Wenfang paintings, and classical people draw near miss.

它可以只是一些无缘由的飘过脑海中的记忆罢了。It could be just a memory that floats into your head for no reason.

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流浪者队以1比4落败,从此开始长期无缘甲级联赛。Rovers lost 4-1 and began their long exile from the First Division.

这是我一生中最快乐的时刻,一个我的亲生父亲无缘体会的时刻。It was the happiest moment of my life, one my own father never knew.

这可能会成为费德勒自2002以来第一个无缘拿杯之年。This would be Federer’s first year without a major title since 2002.

它有这个力量带来无缘由的爱与无限喜悦的状态。It has the power to bring a state of causeless love and limitless joy.

凭借灵性导师无缘的仁慈一切事情皆有可能。By the causeless mercy of the Spiritual Master all things are possible.

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多年的战乱使中国无缘世界博览会。For many years war restricted China's at tendance at Wor ld Exhibitions.

在0-2完败墨西哥之后,法国队几乎已经无缘小组出线。In total defeat Mexico 0-2 after the French team almost missed the first round.

我们在分组赛阶段被淘汰,未能进入半决赛,因而与奖牌无缘。We were eliminated at the group stage, so we didn’t make it into the semifinals.