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经济法是一个独立的法的部门。Ecnomic law is an independent department of law.

经济法是一个国家法律制度的重要组成部分。Economic Law is an important part of legal system.

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本文即从经济法角度来研究海关法。This article studies the customs law in terms of economic law.

伴随着法律社会化的进程,经济法应时而生。Economic law results from the process of the socialization of laws.

经济法调整对象的独立性在法学界一直存在争议。The independence of economic laws regulative object is up in the air.

而经济法的最高理念在于实质公平正义。The supreme idea of economic law is substantial fairness and justice.

实际上,海关法还包含大量的经济法规范。In fact, the customs law also contains a lot of economic legislations.

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对经济法体系的结构分析,可以有多种路径。There are manifold ways in analysing the configuration of economy law.

“国家”和“政府”这两个概念在经济法语境下的使用多存在混乱。The concepts of state and government are used confusedly in economic law.

国际税法是国际经济法的分支学科。INTRODUTION OF INTERNATIONAL TAX LAW is a branch of international economic law.

我还有一个问题,中国经济法是什么时候开始生效的?I have another question. When does the “Economic Law of China” come into effect?

我国的破产法是同时兼有民商法和经济法双重性质的法律。China's Bankruptcy Law features a double character of Civil Law and Economic Law.

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儒家精神对经济法建设提供了一个崭新的思路。Confucian spirit provides a new approach to the construction of the economic law.

经济法的实质是保障个体权利的实现与社会整体利益的协调。The essence of economic law is to protect personal rights and coordinate social benefits.

在新形势下,经济法立法的民主性具有重大的意义。Under the new situation, the democracy of the economy legislation will make great meaning.

1982年9月-----1983年8月在北京大学法律系经济法干部进修班学习。Studied economic laws in Beijing University, Law Department from Sept, 1982 to August, 1983.

在我国现实生活中,涉外经济法一词至少可以在两种以上涵义上使用。In reality, "Economic Law on Foreign Business" can be understood at last in two different ways.

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经济法具有的平衡协调功能是经济法不同于传统公私法的又一重要区别。Economic Law varies from public law and private law in the function of balance and coordination.

总之,经济法可诉性的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。Generally speaking, the research on Economic Law's litigation if of a great deal of significance.

陈侃律师,毕业于上海对外贸易学院法学院国际经济法方向,上海星瀚律师事务所执业律师。Kent Chen, LL. B from Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute, is a lawyer of Shanghai Allstar Law Firm.