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她悲痛得心如刀割。Her heart was pierced with grief.

但是当我知道他喜欢着别的女孩儿时我心如刀割。But I was broken-hearted when I knew he loved others.

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当他把曾经对你的好,转嫁到她人身上时,你才感到何其的难过,心如刀割。When he was good for you, passed on to her person, you know how sad, heartbroken.

晚上,风车如约来见那云飞,被埋伏的特务抓走,天明心如刀割。At night, the windmill afforded to see the flying cloud, ambush spy by dawn xinrudaoge.

我的弟弟,如此之乖,我总是回复,他生气了,心如刀割。Younger brother, so well-behaved, I always reply that he made a temper, heartache knife to pay.

可是只要想到王星,她还是心如刀割,泪水就像断了线的珠子一样停也停不下。But as long as the thought of wang and her heart ached, tears like a broken line of beads and pause.

我望着他们,心如刀割。我多么希望我真是他们的孙女。My heart ached when I looked at them, wishing with all my heart that I were, truly, their grandchild.

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我望着,心如刀割。我多么希望我真是的孙女。My heart ached when I looked at them, wishing with all my heart that I were, truly, their grandchild.

当我与前女友平静地相遇时,回想起往事种种,心如刀割.。It brings a lump to my throat just to remember how it all was, in my serene encounter with my ex-girl.

不太好。一听说自己失去了所有的东西,他心如刀割。Not very good. When he heard that he had lost everything he possessed, the iron entered into his soul.

那痛苦的“M”字体造型,还有如血渍斑斑的铁锈效果,就像从海啸遇难者中搬过来的一个实体,看上去真让人心如刀割。The work seems a real victim in the Tsunami for its shape of the miserable "M" and the blood-looking rust.

家豪愤恨望著珍珠,让珍珠心如刀割,警察带著家豪离去,珍珠抱著嘉和放声痛哭!Howe resentment looked at pearl, pearl heart ached, the police brought home hao, pearl cuddled jia and bawl!

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假使到现在,每当我想到一个一生中经受了这么多苦难的人在生命篇章的结尾竟然还会受到如此的煎熬,我都会感到心如刀割。Even now, it hurts me to think that someone who had so much hardship in life should have suffered so at the end.

天各一方也好,心如刀割也好,思念你的心,挥动着跃跃的翅膀。Lives far apart also well, feels as if a knife were piercing heart also well, misses your heart, is wielding the leap leap wing.

夜里,他在家中的空屋里踱来踱去。一想到唯一可以陪他说话解闷的妻子已经死去,就心如刀割。He prowls the empty rooms of the house at night, thinking of the death of his wife, who was the only friend of his, heart pierced bitterly.

他的父亲弗兰赛斯克解释说他的儿子被分手折磨的心如刀割,但还是在他们的关系明确的走向终点后做出了勇敢的决定。His father Francesc explained his son was 'cut up' over the split, but made the brave decision after their relationship simply ran its course.

他把食物藏到枕套里,还到垃圾桶里搜寻食物,看到这些,我心如刀割。He cried easily and withdrew at the slightest provocation. He hid food in his pillowcase and foraged in garbage cans. Seeing these, I trembled.

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瑞薏与亚磊立即赶到医院探望欣娇,欣娇伤心落泪,哭诉自己命苦如斯,不能安享晚年,亚磊听罢心如刀割。R job with the lei immediately rushed to the hospital to visit yan jiao, yan jiao tears, cry yourself hard luck, cannot be abetted, lei listen to heart ached.

爱情便是如此,拥有的时候不懂得珍惜,一旦失去了才后悔莫及,白宙心如刀割无力改变分手的结果,同意与夏梦寻解除婚约。Love is so, dont know to cherish when have, once lost only regret, Bai Zhou heart ached unable to change the outcome of the break up, agree with summer dream engagement.

我的心如刀割,我不能接受,我不能明白,我不能原谅他的自私,他的选择让所有关心他的人都失望痛心…My feeling as if a knife were piercing heart, I cannot accept, I cannot understand, I cannot forgive his selfish, his choice lets care about him disappointedly all the people all distressed.