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鹅毛,纱线。feathers, yarn.

尾座鹅毛笔直径。Tailstock quill dia.

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她对鹅毛也敏感。She's allergic to goose feathers.

在过去,大翎毛——鹅毛笔是用来写字的。Quill is used for writing in the past.

你真买了一串鹅毛啊?You did buy a string of goose feathers?

大似落鹅毛,密如飘玉屑。Big may fall goose, jade dense floating debris.

请让我看看这些加拿大鹅毛外套。Lett me look at these canada goose parkas, please.

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为表,膝,主轴鹅毛笔,公羊正锁。Positive locks for table, knee, spindle quill, ram.

刷毛由柔软的鹅毛与人造纤维混合制成。Features a blend of natural bristles and synthetic fibres.

雪不停地下着,鹅毛似的雪片随风飘舞。The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers.

坐在窗前的老鹅毛笔,用笔,用一般的女仆说。In the window sat an old quill-pen, with which the maid generally wrote.

现公司在2009年全新推出一系列鹅毛羽毛球。Now the company in 2009 launched a new series of goose feather badminton.

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这管可爱的鹅毛笔,来无踪影,在你的舌尖跳着舞蹈。Such a quill, comes from nowhere, dancing on the tip-top of your lovely tongue.

今天早晨下起了鹅毛般的大雪,我和伙伴在雪中玩耍。Today morning it snows, my friends and I play the snow and we enjoys ourselves.

许尼嗯回家,听说他的金属盔甲约束鹅毛被人偷走了。Xu Ning returned home and heard that his metal-bound goose feather armor had been stolen.

他潇洒地微微歪戴着他那顶军帽子,用一支削尖了的鹅毛管剔着牙齿。He wears his officer's cap at an angle, jaunty, and picks his teeth with a sharpened goose quill.

冬天,鹅毛般的大雪从天空中落下来,周围一片银白,仿佛进入了童话世界。In winter, like snow falling from the sky, around a silvery white, as if into a fairy tale world.

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坐在车上,我隐隐约约能看见外面正在下雪,是鹅毛碎片似的小雪。Sitting gin the car, I can see it's snowing outside, a faint is light snow goose feather fragments.

我工厂现生产不同等级的鸭毛球,鹅毛球,尼龙球。Now we product different levels goose feather badminton, duck feather badminton and Nylon badminton.

我们的羽毛花制品主要原料取材于高质量的天然鹅毛。The raw material of our feather flower products derives from natural goose feather with high quality.