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主动脉瓣狭窄是一个讨厌的疾病。Aortic stenosis is a nasty disease.

什么引起了主动脉缩窄?What causes coarctation of the aorta ?

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怎样作出主动脉缩窄的诊断?How is coarctation of the aorta diagnosed?

主动脉的破裂可能是致命的。A rupture of the aorta is likely to be fatal.

图中显示了胸腔,主动脉和心脏,并无异常结果。This is a CT-scan of thorax, aorta and heart.

颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受性反射。Carotid body and aortic body chemoreceptor reflex.

假手术组仅松套腹主动脉,不阻断血流。The aorta was not clamped in sham operation group.

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主动脉瓣是三个薄而灵活的瓣膜。The aortic valve shows three thin and delicate cusps.

主要见于主动脉缩窄。This finding can be seen in coarctation of the aorta.

经导管主动脉瓣移植—我们还能走多远?。Transcatheter Aortic Valves — Where Do We Go from Here?

远端多吻合至后降支及钝缘支,近端均吻合至主动脉。All the proximal anastomoses were directed to the aorta.

二叶主动脉瓣感染性心内膜炎的发生率较高。The incidence of infective endocarditis is relatively high.

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取大鼠主动脉,分离血管内膜、中膜和外膜。The intima, media and adventitia were separated from aorta.

大部分,主动脉和帆板阀是最常见的影响。Mostly , the aortic and mistral valves are most often affected.

他因主动脉破裂修复手术后出现并发症而不幸逝世。He died after complications from surgery to repair a torn aorta.

主动脉纵向切开后,可以清楚地看见狭窄。The aorta is opened longitudinally here to reveal a coarctation.

最常见的原因是主动脉瓣或肺动脉瓣反流。The most common causes are aortic or pulmonic valve regurgitation.

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主动脉夹层介入治疗后应选MRA或DSA。For patients with intervention treatment, MRA or DSA is preferable.

行常规主动脉根部切口法行主动脉瓣替换。Aortic valve replacement was performed through aortic root incision.

腹主动脉壁伊文斯蓝含量减少。The Evans blue content of the rat abdominal aorta wall was decreased.