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我们双方都应该受益。Both of us must benefit.

然后双方冲锋。Then both sides charged.

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双方互有伤亡。Both sides have casualties.

对双方而言是双输局面。It's a loss for both sides.

请双方过来猜先!Please come and toss a coin!

双方都有士兵阵亡。Soldiers fell on both sides.

双方打成15平。The two teams tied at 15-15.

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他和未来的新娘见了面,双方父母做了交谈。They met, the parents talked.

双方都采用了各自的最佳对策A best response to each other.

双方都变得眼睛凹陷了。Both were growing hollow-eyed.

听确双方意见后再下断语。Hear both sides before judging.

双方势均力敌。The two sides are well-matched.

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一场审讯为双方而举行。A trial was held for both sider.

双方的盾牌上都有狮子。Both had lions on their shields.

第一,扩大双方贸易规模。First, increase bilateral trade.

她对媒体非常有用,双方都在大做文章。She's quite useful to the media.

双方一拍即合,欣然同意了。Both sides hit it off and agreed.

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双方都施展出高超的球艺。Both sides showed brilliant play.

双方都必须有保证人。Both parties had to find sureties.

并且,双方僵持,各不相让。Both sides stalemate, and his lap.